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Fear as Delusion and How to Overcome it

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An Essay Sample
Text uniqueness: 95% +
2 Pages (600 words)
The experience of overcoming a fear

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Have you ever felt the knotting of your guts when facing someone or something that you see as life threatening? Like, you being stuck in between the edge of a cliff and a hungry lion with nowhere to run for safety. If yes, then, Congratulation! You are a normal human being capable of feeling fear and anxiety.
Fear is strong emotion innately engraved in the human psyche. This emotion is characterized by shaking, freezing, or paralysis of the body in the face of a dangerous situation. Many would relate this emotion to things and situations that make them feel uncomfortable. Though many connote it as a negative emotion, fear exists to help us cope with life’s threats and challenges. For example, when a person is standing at the edge of a building’s roof deck, he or she would feel her body shake or freeze. This is due to the fact that the body is threatened by the idea of falling down from such a high place. As a response, the person would stay away from the edge, saving him/her from the risk of falling. Fear is an important emotion for it activates the fight-or-flight response of the body in dangerous situations; however, there are times when it hinders people from functioning properly. 
It’s already given that everyone with a sound and mentally able mind has something to fear— clowns, water, spiders. You name it, and for sure, someone somewhere is afraid of it. Having to fear particular things can be quite annoying. Yes, fear is normal but when it started hindering the normalcy of your life, one should face it head on and slay it. As the saying goes, we must slay our own monsters.
I, myself, have a lot of fear. I am afraid of spiders, of the dark, of getting a failing grade, and so on. Bu...
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