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The Evolution of Writing Process through Practice and Immersing into Literary Realm

Essay Instructions:

Submit a reflective essay that analyzes the writing processes you used to compose the first and final revised drafts of your narrative essay and your persuasive essay. The final essay should reflect on your understanding of the writing process and cite examples of from your work in ENG 122—drafts of essays, journals, discussion posts—to explain how your writing process has evolved as a result of the course and how you expect to use the writing process in your future studies. It must be 3 pages long (not including a cover page or a list of sources), double-spaced, use 12-point New Times Roman font, with standard one-inch margins, and follow APA conventions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reflective Essay on Writing Process
Whenever I look back at my literary journey, I always fail to hide the delight and satisfaction I get from my small achievements. What initially seemed like an insurmountable task has now become a rollercoaster experience. I must admit that it came through blood and sweat; real hard work and determination, for me to get to where I am today. I started with small, baby steps, but now it seems like the massive, giant steps are my designation. I have gone through various processes, in my written works, such as the narrative and persuasive essays.
In the writing of my persuasive essay, I took time to come up with worthwhile points that I could use to build my case . Normally, I chose to have at least three points of which to base my arguments around. I then ensured that I gave each point, sufficient depth, by delving into every detail surrounding it. I realized that in the writing of a persuasive essay, it is always important to pick topics that people can easily relate to. I understood clearly that the success of any piece of writing, needs to have a specific audience as the center stage, and, therefore, the writer needs to keep these people in mind during the entire process of writing(Hairston,1994).This ensures that the illustration of these points becomes easier and more vivid to the reader.
It is also an almost identical tactic that I used when working on the narrative essay. To come up with a clear and concise story, fully embellished with interesting diction and flawless grammar is a work of art. The mind can sometimes switch off, halfway through the narrative, plunging the writer into an abyss of literary quagmire. In other terms, we simply can't write a consistently interesting bit of narrative, paragraph after paragraph, or page after page, without having a clear layout. This brings about the importance of taking down of the most important points before beginning any form of writing(Hale,2009).I always ensured that after knowing what I was to write about, I put my mind into gear.
Putting my mind into gear is some form of ‘immersing myself into the literary realm.' Narrative writing, or any form of writing thereof, is a culmination of a lot of things that go on in the mind, before being expressed on hard or softcopy. I started with an introductory paragraph, where I shed some light about the topic, in general, and narrowed down on what I was to write about. I understood clearly that it is in the introductory paragraph, where the statement of the thesis comes in. Having a clear and concise thesis is key to a strong piece of writing.
The second paragraph is usually my strongest and most fluent since it usually contains the first point in support of the thesis. There are very few things I enjoy in English, more than writing a paragr...
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