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European Powers' Domination and Colonization of Overseas Empires

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The assignment explores various European powers' domination and colonization of overseas empires in the different continents. It specifically addresses the American and African continents.
Assignment#1#Bartolomé de Las Casas, A Brief Account of the Destruction of the Indies. 1552.
Some of the Columbian origin myths appear on the document and are supported sparingly. For instance, the origin myth of "without religion, government, culture, cities, and uncivilized" is supported in the document. In the paper, Bartolome notes that "they go naked, having no other Covering but what conceals their Pudends from publick sight" (Paragraph 3, line 7). The statement is a clear illustration of uncivilization by the inhabitants of the lands; they did not possess the know-how to make clothes for themselves. He further documents that, "the better sort, use Net-work, knotted at the four corners in lieu of Beds," (line 11) and "the natives tractable, and capable of Morality or Goodness, very apt to receive the instill'd principles of Catholick Religion," (line 13). In the latter quotation, the author illustrates that the inhabitants lacked religion, a statement that supports the myth.
Conversely, the myth of "empty America" is categorically challenged in the document. De las Casas highlights that "nay it is on all sides surrounded with an almost innumerable number of Islands, which we found so well peopled with Natives and Foreigners" (Paragraph 1, line 5). The statement elaborates that America was not empty, but indeed had people already living there before the Spaniards` arrival.
Ironically, the European assumptions, for example, the notion that Europeans are humble and submit to Christianity, were displayed by the natives to a greater extent than the Spaniard Europeans themselves. Bartolome documents that, "nor are they averse to Civility and Good Manners, being not so much discompos'd by a variety of Obstructions, as the rest of Mankind," (Paragraph 3, line 14) he wrote, "they are so transported with Zeal and Furvor in the exercise of Ecclesiastical Sacraments, and Divine Service, that the very Religioso's themselves, stand in need of the greatest and most signal patience to undergo such extreme Transports" (line 17). The texts indicate clearly how the Europeans themselves were amazed by the natives` willingness to accept and embrace Christianity more than even themselves.
The massacre and extermination of the inhabitants of the Indies is quite an unfortunate credible and historical detail we can learn through the document. As Bartolome documents, the natives were friendly and welcoming people who did not ascribe to any form of violence. They readily welcomed their would-be oppressors, the Spaniards, with open arms. However, the Spaniards later turned to force, using them as slaves for demanding jobs, and subsequently killing them. Bartolome documents, "Those that arriv'd at these Islands from the remotest parts of Spain, and who pride themselves in the Name of Christians, steer'd Two courses principally, in order to the Extirpation, and Exterminating of these People from the face of the Earth" (Paragraph 6, line 1). From the text, the author illustrates that the Spaniards were on a mission to exterminate the inhabitants so that they could take over their land and inherit the rich minerals, gold that the land had.
Assignment#2#Duarte Lopez, A Report on the Kingdom of Kongo, 1591
In the two documents, Lopez and de las Casas both narrate the period during European powers' exploration. De las Casas comes out as a more credible ...
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