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Ethics Case Study

Essay Instructions:


Your client Randall is a 25-year-old Iranian-American disabled single male. His grandparents immigrated to the US, and both he and his parents were born here; English is his first language. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army, having returned six months ago from a one-year tour of duty in Afghanistan. He sustained a spinal-cord injury from a gunshot wound during combat, and is paralyzed from the waist down. Randall is living at home with his parents and 20-year-old brother. Presenting concerns include difficulty concentrating, flashbacks, depression, insomnia, and difficulty reestablishing himself personally and occupationally since returning home. Your provisional diagnosis is PTSD. You have seen Randall in therapy for three sessions thus far. This is the first time you are treating a case of PTSD, as well as a person who is paralyzed, and you at times feel unsure how to handle the difficult material he brings into therapy. You are considering giving him a PTSD measure, and are reflecting on the ethics of how to choose an instrument (for purposes of this exam, do not consider specific instruments).

You are in your weekly Bible study group meeting one evening after work and one of the group members brings up the struggles that her son has been having since leaving the Army and moving home. You realize that Virginia, your longtime Bible study group peer, is likely Randall’s mother. Your next appointment with Randall is scheduled for the following day.

(Use APA, Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced. Five pages should suffice, but you may use up to 6).

Use the 6-step model from Fischer (2016) to analyze the case. (Listed below.) Skip step 3. Consider the role of HIPAA in this case.

The Six-step Model:

Step 1: Develop the skills to identify when a situation raises ethical issues.

Step 2: Consider relevant APA Ethics Code General Principles and Ethical Standards & other professional guidelines and organizational policies.

Step 3: Determine whether there are local, state, and federal laws specific to the ethical situation.

Step 4: Make efforts to understand the perspective of different stakeholders.

Step 5: Apply Steps 1 to 4 to generate ethical alternatives. Select the alternative that best fulfills one’s obligations under the Ethics Code and has the greatest likelihood of protecting the welfare of those who will be affected.

Step 6: Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the course of action. Modify & continue to evaluate the plan if necessary.

Resource: Fisher, C. B. (2016). Decoding the Ethics Code: A practical guide for psychologists (4th Edition). Los Angeles: Sage.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics Case Study
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Ethics Case Study
Step One
Ethical difficulties are likely to occur in the case study, and they can only be detected when specific skills are engaged. Taking this class will be instrumental in navigating the ethical difficulty. It is anticipated that by completing this course, standards will be established in the professional relationship between physicians and their clients or patients, and guidelines will be provided for the avoidance of litigation. The establishment of social capital in a professional relationship occurs via interactions with members of the community. Maintaining a commitment to on-going education will also assist in ensuring that this ethical challenge is successfully managed. The commitment to ongoing education will assist in sorting out the privacy concerns by highlighting the necessity of prioritizing patient privacy and therefore alleviating the problem. This course will educate students how to retain professionalism in a situation when the individuals involved are often acting only on their emotions, making it difficult to reach a reasonable and equitable judgment. The addition of ethics lessons to decision-making processes adds another dimension.
Recognizing the presence of an issue is another key ability that may be required in determining whether a scenario presents an ethical concern. There is a clear ethical dilemma in this situation since, although Randall dedicated himself to fight for his country, the government seems uninterested in his well-being. He is suffering from a variety of issues, including trouble focusing and despair, and he is unable to rebuild himself to some level. The nation for which he fought is expected to do something to guarantee that his sacrifices were not in vain. However, since nothing was done, the ability to recognize an ethical concern will be critical in this scenario. Consider the relevant information and analyze the various courses of action to assist build abilities in identifying ethical dilemmas.
Step Two
The American Psychological Association's (APA) Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (hence referred to as the Ethics Code) is comprised of an Introduction, a Preamble, five General Principles (A-E), and specific Ethical Standards. While the bulk of the Ethical Standards is intended to apply to psychologists in various vocations, their applicability may vary according to the circumstances (Campbell et al., 2010). This Ethics Code applies to these behaviors in various contexts, including in-person, mail, telephone, Internet, and other technical contacts. These activities must be distinguished from the utterly private behavior of psychologists, which the Ethics Code does not cover.
When examining Randall's circumstances, three APA ethical criteria might be applied: resolving ethical dilemmas, competence especially a and b (2.01). In addressing ethical dilemmas, the APA ethical policy guideline discusses what therapists should do in ethical judgments encountered throughout their work. This section suggests what psychologists should do if their expertise is misapplied and when moral violations should be recognized. This might be used if the therapist has never before dealt with a case of PTSD. The standard may direct the therapist on what he should and should not do. Some of the pertinent APA ethics code basic principles that might be used in this circumstance are fidelity and responsibility (1.05). In an emergency, the standard of competence, either the threshold or differential competency, might be employed; psychologists may provide operations even if they are beyond their expertise to ensure that access to resources is allowed based on the degree of skill. Finally, the notion of human rights and dignity must be respected (4.06). Additionally, use of assessment (9.02) is extremely important as it will ensure that the patient is properly assessed and taken good care of. Maintaining confidentiality helps keep clients' information private, but it also recommends that information be disclosed to learn more about their patients with their express permission. Randall's mother claims that her kid is in pain and has problems adapting. I feel that "B" (Fidelity and Responsibility) (1.05) is the most significant since the primary difficulties here are trust and responsibility (maintaining confidentiality, competence, the need to consult) (4.01).
Step Four
It is critical first to determine who the stakeholders are and what they need to understand their views. They will be able to see things clearly after gaining this in...
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