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Ethical Issues and Crises in Research

Essay Instructions:

After completing this exercise, students will be able to:

• justify responses to ethical issues that commonly arise in research

• identify ethical crises in research and evaluate appropriate responses.


This exercise will introduce you to the types of decisions you may have to make when performing research. Please review the following and provide a response for all three scenarios.

Scenario 1: Charlotte is working on a research project in which she needs to include consumer surveys of a certain project. Charlotte has a very strong point of view on the subject and hopes the survey results are to her liking. When the survey results are completed, she is unhappy and has a hard time working them into her presentation. She contemplates changing the results so that the project will be easier.

1. Should Charlotte falsify the results? Why or why not?

2. Could Charlotte re-survey a different group of people in hopes of getting better results? Would this be OK to do?

Scenario 2: Sam has been working on his thesis all year long. He has finally found an expert that has the answers to all of his questions. The subject Sam is working on is highly classified and under development. After interviewing the expert, the expert asks Sam to keep the results of his interview confidential.

1. Should Sam oblige the expert’s request? Why or why not?

2. What happens if Sam uses the results anyway? Do you think he should receive credit for his thesis?

Scenario 3: Clark is a researcher at a drug laboratory. Currently, he is working on testing new types of narcotic pain medicine. Clark is lucky in that his best friend Joe works alongside of him at the lab. They have both been working very hard on the research when Joe starts suffering from chronic back pain. One day, Clark sees Joe take one of the experimental pills (although Joe does not know Clark saw him take it). Their test results are due to their superior the next day and if he says something about Joe, it could jeopardize both of their jobs.

1. What is Clark’s ethical responsibility?

2. Should Clark speak to Joe before speaking to a superior?

3. Should Clark pretend as if he did not see Joe take the pill?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Ethics
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Research Ethics
Scenario 1
Adhering strictly to ethical norms is profoundly critical in research if researchers hope to realize the objectives of a particular project. Even when the results of a given project go contrary to their expectations, they should present them truthfully and verifiably. As such, Charlotte should not falsify the results of her research for several reasons. First, doing so will not promote the goals of the project since the presentation will depict an erroneous and misleading picture. Second, if the consumers she interviews during the research stumble on her falsified report by any chance, it will tremendously compromise her integrity. Moreover, it might discourage them from participating in other research projects since they would consider them pointless.
Further, conducting a re-survey hoping to procure desirable results would be wrong and in vain for several reasons. First, interviewing a different set of consumers would mean incurring extra and unnecessary costs. Second, re-surveying to get favorable results would be misconduct according to federal policies on research (Resnik, 2020). In addition, such a decision would work against the values that promote collaborative work.
Scenario 2
Confidentiality, which refers to keeping private and secure information that individuals provide, is paramount in any engagement. That said, Sam should oblige the expert’s solemn request to keep the interview’s results confidential for several reasons. To begin with, fulfilling the expert’s request would significantly bolster Sam’s personality. For instance, he would come across as a trustworthy and honest person, which are critical credentials. Second, observing confidentiality would have profound me...
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