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Looking into the Lottery Business and Ethics Today

Essay Instructions:

Ethical Issues
Ethical issues can arise when any statements related to probability are presented to the public, particularly when these statements are part of an advertising campaign for a product or service. Unfortunately, many people are not comfortable with the numerical concepts (see reference 4) and tend to misinterpret the meaning of the probability. IN some instances, the misinterpretation is not intentional, but in other cases, advertisements may unethically try to mislead potential customers.
One example of a potentially unethical application of probability relates to advertisements for state lotteries. When purchasing a lottery ticket, the customer selects a set of numbers (such as) from a larger list of numbers (such as drawing 6 numbers from a set ranging from 1 through 49). Although virtually all participants know that they are unlikely to win the lottery, they also have a very little idea of how unlikely it is for them to select all 6 winning numbers from the list of 49 numbers.
They have even less idea of the probability of winning a consolation prize by selecting either 4 or 5 winning numbers.
Given this background, you might consider a recent commercial for a state lottery that stated, “We won't stop until we have made everyone a millionaire” to be deceptive and possibly unethical.
Question 1. Essay Type
Do you think that there is any intention of ever stopping the lottery, given the fact that the governmnet relies on it to bring millions of dollars into its treasury? Is it possible that lottery can make everyone a millionaire? Is it ethical to suggest that the purpose of the lottery is to make everyone a millionaire?
I. Instructions:
1. Use APA format in reporting your answer
2. Number of pages: Approximately 2-3 pages
3. Due date: Week 11
II. Outline
1. Introduction
i) Define ethics (do your research)
ii) Illustrate the definition with examples
iii) Develop your argument for and against the issue on lottery when you answer the questions below
iv) State how the remaining part of the essay is organized in the terms sections I and II of the two questions
2. Body
i) Is it possible that lottery can make everyone a millionaire
ii) Is it ethical to suggest that the purpose of the lottery is to make everyone a millionaire?
3. Summary and conclusion
4. References

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Looking into the Lottery Business and Ethics Today
Whenever one searches for “ethics” in the dictionary, he can infer the concept has to deal with an individual’s choice of morals or right and wrong decisions. Ethics are set of principles and play a major part in each person’s lifestyle. For example, a student may not have enough money to pay for a needed project. He will rely on his ethics to either find an honest job or consider even doing illegal acts. Although the world is progressing with different opportunities to become wealthy, many people would still stress poverty as one of their main problems. A great population relies on the lottery business as a quick solution.
Lottery businesses are known to be an attractive opportunity to receive cash. According to CNBC (2017), there is $80 million in the American annual revenue of the lotto industry and many of these support charitable causes. Yet there is an apparent decline among customers aged 18 to 29. The site also stresses more states are hoping to outlaw online lotto sales. These facts stress the importance of analyzing views on the lottery business and ethics of the public. This article will determine that future investment in lottery businesses is not only unethical but also impractical. It will prove the false hopes the industry gives to the poor and its unjust intentions.
Hiding Behind Government Support
Fleming, J. (2011) of Baylor University published an in-depth analysis of ethics and lottery businesses in the U.S. The scholar noted that in 2011, about 90% of Americans lived in states that approved lottery businesses. The government uses the public funds without addressing the fact that the income goes to administrative costs and prizes. These evidences point out that lottery businesses are using the government as shields to encourage people that investment will serve the nation’s needy.
Stockton, N. (2016) of WIRED revealed that the chances of winning on the widely popular lottery game, Powerball is one to 292 million. The science researcher explains that out 69 choices, a player picks five. He then ...
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