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PRO 494 Benchmark Assignment: Essentials of Executive Protection

Essay Instructions:

PRO 494 –Benchmark Assignment: Compare and Contrast Essay (Written Assignment 2) Length: 5-7 pages (not including title page and references page) Due: prior to the end of the course
Description: Some would argue that very little has changed when it comes to the essentials of personal protection. Others would disagree. In an essay between five and seven pages, analyze Kane & Viollis' methodologies for protecting the wealthy and identify how these compare to the rest of the protective security material presented in the course, particularly the Oatman text (Copyright 1997). Identify what risk/protection elements have changed and/or should be updated. What elements are most important? What new issues are raised? This is your chance to brainstorm. As you go through both books, keep this writing assignment in mind as you may want to draft your paper as you make your way through the course.
Audience: Your readers may not be familiar with protective security operations so be sure to fully explain your logic and reasoning behind your ddecisioon-making.
Sources: If you use outside sources to support your analysis, please use the H-PU APA Guidelines for Academic Papers and the APA Example Paper Template (located under Course Resources) to develop your paper. Please use the H-PU Virtual Library to find sources, if appropriate.
Language: Present your paper in a professional, academic way that addresses the designated audience. Your essay will be graded on style as well as content, per established grading rubrics. Your essay should have the proper structure and be free of grammatical, punctuation, spelling, and syntax errors.
Format: Format your paper according to the APA guidelines posted in the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Essentials of Executive Protection
Protecting the wealthy has been a dramatic scenario for the poorer members of the society. This is attributed to the affluent culture of the upper class society to protect their personal interests such as securing their wealth. At the behest of financial crisis that regularly looms in every society, the wealthy members of the community seem not to be affected by the consequences of being at risk of bankruptcy due to alternative resources and capabilities to weather crises. This paper will discuss a comparison and contrasting views regarding the essentials of personal protections. It seeks to find out the methodologies for protecting the wealthy that can be identified, which could escalate norms and practices that reflect how a community addresses social norms and practices at certain duration.
(Kane &Viollis, 2015) indicated that utilizing silent safety associated with the risk control strategies plays an important role in providing security solutions that enables the community to withstand threats of financial risks. There are crystallized risks that impact the socioeconomic situation and lifestyle of every individual in our community, which attracts attention to financial institutions around the world. Protecting the upper class society seeks to ensure that there is a soothing intervention applied with the essentials of securing the lifestyle of affected households. There are strategies that are comparable to ensure that the needs of some members of the community are always sustainable. However, one cannot deny that there are conflicting interests that challenge strategies in order to examine the strengths and weaknesses of every application that has been eliciting a significant contribution to the needs of the society in general sense.
Essentials of personal protection have changed significantly because there were historical incidents that prompted authorities to ensure that transformation is one of the most significant issues that can reshape our security. With regards to silent safety, in which it corresponds laws and practices that are improved to ensure that criminal elements of the society will be controlled. Understanding the roles of culture and responsibilities is a management of knowing the laws and policies that are important for protecting our needs and rights to become a better member of the society. Being aware is important, and comparable to being knowledgeable about the importance of maintaining the aspects of contemplating the common good of the society. Government institutions want the public to know all the roles and responsibilities to ensure that we can protect ourselves from the negative elements of the society.
Communications security is important because it seeks to ensure that all information will be always delivered efficiently within the operating institution. Communication is comparable with other elements that have been gradually transformed into a more accurate means of providing information. This is in the sense that there are technological facilities responsible for distributing essential information with other individuals, groups, and institutions. This is the change that people want to experience because they are able to utilize their knowledge with the information being received. There is more available information that is now accessible to anyone who wants to relay important messages to the recipients such as individuals or groups who are involved with the affairs of others. This is to identify if there are more relevant facts that should be considered in order to prove certain information to the recipients.
Protecting your children is another element that has been changing over time. There are numerous tips and benefits brought out by theorems, facilities, and applications to increase family awareness on how to prevent threats towards the household. Protecting the safety of the family means that it is important to ensure that all needs are met by any member of the household. Together with numerous agencies, learning materials, social media, and free media lessons enable the society to know more about household security improvements (Baker, 2012).
Integrity validation is also improving because this is an element that seeks to protect the needs of the society by means of requiring the bac...
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