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Essay Plan

Essay Instructions:
First of all I would like to have the same writer that completed order # 00013941 since he has a working knowledge of the topic plus I want everything to be symmetrical. Writer, write an essay plan based on your research topic. (the research topic is the same one as order # 00013941). Place your thesis statement (or a revised version)(Writer, it should be the revised version according to my last message to order 0013941) from last week's assignment at the top of the page, below the heading, and answer the questions below. The purpose of this assignment is to help direct your research and organize your thinking on the topic. 1. What is my goal in this paper? [Passing the course is not the goal here.] 2. What do I already know about my topic? 3. What do my readers already know? 4. What do my readers need to know to understand my point? 5. What details and explanation can I provide? 6. What information do I need to research and add to my paper? 7. Which is the best strategy to develop my paper? Why? To help you out, I have uploaded an example.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Thesis Statement: The vaccination and existing natural immunity from the first wave of Influenza Virus outbreak has had significant impact over those concerned. Consequently, recent medical research predicts that another peak will likely occur again soon.
1. What is my goal in this paper? The main point of this paper is to expound on the solemnity relative to the outbreak of the Influenza Virus. This is to provide the audience that epidemics are indeed a major disaster concern and shouldn`t be taken for as any less of their concern.
2. What do I already know about my topic?  My knowledge over this particular topic only encompasses insofar as the stories I have read in history books (ie. The Bubonic Plague in the Reign of Amenhotep) and the recent incidences broadcasted in today`s news. However, my plan for a comprehensive research extends to a firsthand gathering of data (via field research) as well as obtaining information from credible references (i.e. books, internet); thereby, I expect in the end that I will be provided with recent statistics and discoveries i...
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