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Core Values: Excellence, Respect, and Love

Essay Instructions:

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The readings and learning activities for this week have focused on core values, their origins, and the role that they play in our society and in our professional and personal lives. This essay will be informed by the class readings and discussions on core values.

With your essay submission, you will include responses to four reflection questions. They are not part of your essay and are to be answered separately .


In this essay you will identify and explain 3-5 of your core values.

You will also discuss the origins of these core values.


Include an introductory paragraph, where you grab the reader's attention, provide a transitional statement, give a clear thesis statement, and map out the 3-5 key points that will support your thesis.

Include 3-5 body paragraphs where you include details and examples to help you develop and support your key points

End your essay with a concluding paragraph where you restate your thesis, summarize your key points, and leave the reader with the "so what?

Format and Length

Your paper should include a header consisting of your name and the assignment name and a title that reflects your specific essay focus. (See example below.)

Your paper should be typed, double-spaced and in 11 or 12-point font.

Your final product should be a minimum of five paragraphs (about 700-1000 words) in length. However, the quality of the content of this essay is most important. Be sure to fully answer the prompt.

((please write a 4 page long essay 1100 words, please answer the Reflection Questions on the 5th page))

Reflection Questions

The reflection questions are to be answered separately. (They are not part of the essay.) Post these in the "comments" box when submitting your assignment. You can number your answers or write them in paragraph form. Be sure to address all four questions.

Aside from simply meeting the requirements, what were your personal goals for this assignment?

1.When reviewing your language choices, what choices did you make to approach your goals for staying 2.within or moving beyond conventions for academic writing?

3.What parts of your work on this assignment are you most proud of?

4.What challenged you in this assignment and/or where do you need additional support from your instructor?

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Core Values
Name of the Student
Institutional Affiliation
Course ID
Instructor’s Name
Due Date
Core Values
Core values are the standards of behavior that an individual or organization perceives to be of central importance. Core values are fundamental values or guiding principles that help a person determine what is wrong or right. They help a person or an organization determine the right path towards attaining their goals by highlighting an unwavering guide towards the intended goals. Core values help build one's rapport, and other people can view them as role models. Core values instill confidence and uphold one's ethics. Core values are variant across individuals based on their background, beliefs, or profession. A person must identify their meaningful values, which help one live a fulfilling and happy life. Memorable experiences can help one develop the essential values that stand out in a situation, and one can derive one or more core values from a single experience. This essay will revolve around three core values derived from three essays and typical examples aligned with the issue at hand. The core values are; excellence, respect, and love.
Core Values
In one essay, the author, Nick Capo, an English professor, describes his core value as excellence. He was able to embrace this value from his late father, who excelled at basketball. The author was able to see his father's quest for perfection in understanding the critical concepts of basketball. His father studied baseball in-depth, stimulated by his passion for the game. Nick's father recorded various techniques, statistics, and observations of various teams for close to fifty years. The author recalls the many evenings they spent outside where his father would teach him the game's intensity. The author states that he could have a different outlook towards navigating through tasks when he had a look at his father’s black notebook. He was able to learn that success is brought about by hard work, practice, and effort. This value of excellence plays out in his life where he practices competence and excellence in his teaching profession and passes it on to his students. He emphasizes rewarding specific accomplishments motivated by effort or risks. He takes pride in achievements and absolute joy in his pursuit of excellence (Teacher, 2011).
The second essay is based on respect as a core value. The author, Chris Porter, is a nurse practitioner who lives in Seattle Washington, Chris lives in a cosmopolitan American society. He lives in a world based on stereotypes and pre-judgment based on people with his appearance. Chris ascertains that he lives in a society with the lowest expectation because he lives in America. Chris aims to be an excellent example to society by breaking the societal stereotypes regarding African Americans, such as the possibility to commit a crime, serving prison sentences, and the likelihood to have multiple children with no paternal responsibility. Chris narrates an incident where he prejudged his patient based on how he stared at him. Chris initially thought that his patient was staring at him because of his race and profe...
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