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The Enjoyable and Interesting Part in the Play "Picasso at the Lapin Agile"

Essay Instructions:

Please write a one-page response to your viewing of the Skull and Dagger Society's production of 'Picasso at the Lapin Agile' written by Steve Martin. What did you find most enjoyable about it? What did you not enjoy (or not understand the purpose of?) did you observe any tropes (cliches) that stood out to you as passé, or stale?

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Picasso at the Lapin Agile
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Pre-famous Pablo Picasso walks along with Albert Einstein in Picasso at the Lapin Agile, and both of them reach a nearby bar to spend some time together. In this play, I could find how two people tried to prove their talent in a number of ways, and the result is a B minus level SNL skit stretched to fill a one-act play (Mcquillan, 2003). The most enjoyable moment in this play is when Einstein and Picasso eventually realized that their capabilities and skills were equally valuable. This gives a lesson that we should not consider ourselves superior. I have seen many people in my office talking about their intelligence, which makes me laugh since I am a strong believer that God has gifted a particular set of skills and abilities to eve...
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