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Communication Reflection: Enhancing Communication Skills

Essay Instructions:

Please write a reflection paper after you would have completed a oral communications class instructions below.
The reflection essay is due the last day of class and late submissions are not accepted. 
Please answer the following questions in an essay. Please read all the questions before writing; consider all the areas covered in the course, going back to the beginning. Remember to cite specific examples to illustrate your statements. 
What were your communication challenges at the start of class?
In what ways do you think you have progressed in your interpersonal communication abilities? What do you want to keep working on?
In what ways do you think you have progressed in your small group communication abilities? What do you want to keep working on?
In what ways has your understanding of nonverbal communication improved? How aware are you of the messages you send? In what ways are you better able to decode other people’s nonverbal messages?
How do you feel like your understanding of the ways that diversity affects communication (gender, ethnicity, etc.) has improved? Include specifics if you can.
What did you learn about interviewing, and what would you like to improve for future interviews?
Were your speeches well organized? Were the messages easy to follow? How could the organization have been improved?
How successful were your introductions, bodies, and conclusions? Again, be specific with examples.
How does your language, voice, and body language enhance or harm your communications efforts? Be as precise as you can and comment on all areas of your delivery. 
In your estimation, what were the most effective aspects of your messages?
Reflection paper feedback (worth 10 points each)
_____ Pre-existing communication challenges
_____ Interpersonal progression and goals
_____ Small group progression and goals
_____ Nonverbal understanding
_____ Diversity understanding
_____ Discussion of your interview effectiveness
_____ Discussion of your organization
_____ Discussion of your introductions, bodies, and conclusions w/examples
_____ Discussion of your use of language, voice, and body
_____ Discussion of the most effective aspects of your messages

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Reflective Essay
Institutional Affiliation:
Communication Reflective Essay
The class has significantly helped in enhancing my communication skills. At the beginning of the course, I had challenges in articulating my messages well that made it difficult for people to understand my position. Additionally, my confidence and clarity when conveying a message were wanting. Also, I did not know how well to employ my non-verbal signals to enhance my communication.
My interpersonal communication abilities have improved considerably over the course period. I have learned how to become an engaged listener when conversing with others; I strive to understand both the information and the speaker’s emotions. Also, I now comprehend the need to remain calm, polite, and focused when communicating. However, I want to continue improving on these aspects and develop assertiveness to enable me to communicate my ideas and values freely.
Moreover, my small group communication skills have advanced. I can now actively participate in any discussions. I inquire for further clarity, ask questions, contribute to discussions, volunteer constructive comments, and build on others’ ideas. Everyone in the team serves a purpose, and proper communication helps to enhance the performance of the whole group. I will continue working on how to deal with disagreements to ensure that I present my points in a way that does not demean the ones given by others.
The non-verbal communication abilities are crucial for message understanding, connecting with others, and building interrelationships (Kehoe, 2011). I have the knowledge on how to utilize my non-verbal communication well to ensure that my intended message does not get distorted. My posture, eye contact, and body language such as facial expressions have an impact on the communication. Also, I have expounded my knowledge on how to identify and evaluate the non-verbal cues of others people. I cannot judge one’s message based on one non-verbal signal, but focus on them as a whole. Also, I must be aware of and consider the individual differences such as culture, religion, culture, emotional state, and gender.
Additionally, the comprehension of how the diversity influences the way people communicate is crucial to avoiding misjudgments and conflicts. People from different cultures have varied ways of perception, hearing, seeing, and interpreting a message. My understanding of these aspects has improved through real-life cases such as the class discussion groups that have sharpened my skills on the effects of diversity on communication. Some people show their emotions openly, while others will hide them when debating that creates communication problems. Also, interactions with people in my community have given me more exposure to communication issues that can arise in a culturally diverse society. Through these interactions, I have learned that to enhance communication one has t...
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