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Various Aspects Of Energy Vital In Determining Of Tomorrow's Energy

Essay Instructions:

Criteria A. First and Last Paragraphs - Introduction of topic including reason topic was chosen and is important to group members. A brief summary at end of a paper. Meets all criteria Some criteria missing Incomplete information No information B. Paragraph1. Each paragraph should contain approximately 5 interesting details. If an application, please explain how it works, how it is used and where it is used. If alternate energy, please provide information on current status and usage. Find a related picture for each paragraph. Let your curiosity take you. Please avoid recapping lecture information. A description is complete, interesting and written in a way that typical adult basic science knowledge will comprehend. Related picture present. A description is complete, some unexplained technical jargon present. Related picture present. Incomplete description. No picture or incorrect picture. Incomplete description with significant unexplained technical jargon C. Paragraph 2 – see part B for criteria. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. D. Paragraph 3 – see part B for criteria. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. Same as above. E. Writing and Paper Quality Length of 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font (Times New Roman, Ariel, Calibri) 6 pts - Paper is well-written with a title, clear paragraph transitions, accurate spelling/ punctuation, conclusion 4 pts – Paper is mostly good quality with few spelling/punctuation errors. 0 pts – Paper is poorly written with many spelling/ punctuation errors F. References in APA 6 format (See http://www(dot)lib(dot)ncsu(dot)edu/citationbuilder/) 3 pts – present and correct format 2 pts – present, incorrect format 0 pts – references absent G. Participation 3 pts – all group members contribute 0 pts on entire assignment for missing group member(s) without verified information in M


wind power

thermal power

wave power

hybrid cars

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Energy for Tomorrow Name Institution of Affiliation Date Energy for Tomorrow Energy for tomorrow is a crucial element that enables the users of energy to be logical, reasonable and make decisions that target in protecting the energy for future. All aspects of energy should be regarded in determining tomorrow’s energy. Approaches targeting at reducing the production of gas and oil should be embraced as a way of protecting the environment. In addition, there is the need to reduce the rapidly increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the air as a way of keeping the environment clean.Other aspects of energy such as wind power, thermal power, wave power and hybrid power should be prioritized in the production process since they are cheap to use. They are environmentally friendly, therefore, enhancing a life-supporting environment. In attaining the energy for tomorrow, preservation and protection of the current energy should be embraced (Tester & Jefferson, 2005).The paper gives an analysis of various aspects of energy that are vital in determining the fate of tomorrow’s energy. Wind power Wind is regarded to be the cleanest source of energy that neither pollutes air nor water. The costs for operating wind as a source of energy are nearly once one has the turbines erected. Due to the advancement in technology and mass production, turbines have become cheaper. The government of US has stepped in to make wind power cheaper by offering tax incentives to boost the production of wind energy development, therefore, increasing the chances of wind energyfor tomorrow. To harness wind energy, the energy usually originates from turbines that are generally tall with long blades. The wind moves the blades rapidly hence rotating a shaft that is connected to a generator which gives out electricity in return. The utilization of wind as a source of energy is on increment such that every year its utilization is soaring by 25%. Despite the rise, Tester and Jefferson (2005) argued that wind energy provides a smaller fraction of the energy of the world when larger numbers of turbines are built close together forming a wind plant. The plant is utilized to supply electricity to the customers. Wind energy is therefore used for communication and pumping water in farms. It’s also used in homesteads as a source of electricity, cutting off electric bulbs (Tester & Jefferson, 2005). The image of wind turbine Wave energy Wave energy usage is on increase in Europe especially to countries facing the Atlantic Ocean. It’s also produced from Malta falls that has provided a small range of wave energy which generates consider...
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