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EN120 English Composition The Most Exciting Event in my Life

Essay Instructions:

The essay writing process: You will write the first draft of a two-paragraph essay plus a conclusion. You may choose one of these essay topics: The career I hope to follow; a special or unusual person; the best or worst teacher I ever had, or the most exciting event in my life. You will be graded on the following:

1. A clear thesis statement (10 points)

2. Two topic sentences (one for each paragraph) that express the main idea (15 points each for a possible total of 30 points)

3. The body of each paragraph: Each paragraph should be comprised of a topic sentence (#2 above), supporting details in body sentences (relevant to the topic sentence), and a concluding sentence (20 points each for a possible total of 40 points)

4. The conclusion (10 points)

5. Be sure to proofread carefully, including spell-checking. (10 points).



Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric below for the grading criteria for this assignment.

EN120 English Composition I: Assignment 06: Two-paragraph Essay

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Most Exciting Event in my Life
Graduating college is the most exciting event in my life. This was when I received my bachelor’s degree diploma. This is the most important event that changed my identity and dignity as a person with a degree. I feel that I have the blessing that the Lord provided me while they are monitoring the progress of my academic achievements as a person. There is nothing compared to what I felt when I finally got my college diploma. For my own belief, this is the best accomplishment that I made after multiple years of sacrifice that made myself transform into another person. Going through this paper, I will discuss further how my graduation is the most exciting event in my life that is memorable.
The first reason why I am very excited when I receive my diploma is that I can call myself an academically accomplished person. With all the hard work and dedication, I am able to surpass the challenges, which is all about the last obstacle before you are going to enter the world of young professionals. Through the diploma that I acquired after the graduation, I am now technically qualified to apply for a job that I can become productive. I sacrificed my time, my friends, and myself because I know for sure that hard work can achieve a significant change in your life. I remember what my parents told me that the best gift that they can give to me is education. This is because, through e...
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