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Healthcare System In The United States: Elevated Healthcare Cost

Essay Instructions:

Begin the process of constructing your Portfolio Project by selecting a specific social, economic, political, scientific, public health, technical, leadership, or educational issue or problem. It could be related to your community, work, or an ethical dilemma.

The goal is then to align this problem or issue with a specific logic model from Chapter Five (Exhibit 5.5, p. 115-122) in your Paul and Elder text. Where appropriate, you may use other critical thinking tools you have been learning throughout the course.

Be sure to indicate which of the two Portfolio Project options (COMPLETING OPTION 1) you have decided to complete, and complete the annotated outline template. Be sure to include the one paragraph write-up you turned in previously where you briefly explained your preliminary topic ideas, and if you have revised this include this paragraph too, noting why you selected this option, or why you have revised your paper.


"A. The healthcare system in the United States traditionally was seen as a world leader in the industry, recent years has seen that reputation take hits on both quality and costs fronts. The overall quality of care fallen to 37 of 190 countries analyzed by WHO (thepatientfactor.com, 2017). The adage of “you get what you pay for” does not hold true in this instance, in fact the United States spends more on each patient than any other country in the world. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, found the U.S. spends over $9,000 per capita (pgpf.com, 2016)."

Refer to the various fallacies featured in the Module 4 lecture pages for terms and concepts to use to ensure your topic will be logically and objectively presented. You must cite additional references to support your choice of topic position.

Need some more assistance with your writing mechanics or with APA style? If so, visit the CSU-Global Library for resources. Be sure to back up your feedback with concrete facts and insights based on research. Remember that critical thinking is not just your opinion—rather, it is a claim that provides evidence that helps you prove an argument. Additionally - when you conclude your outline, note any progress you have been making with your journal assignment.


Submit a one page academic outline with just your introduction and thesis statement.

Add at least 2-3 references to support your introduction and thesis statement.

Be sure to back up your claims, assumptions and facts with credible web sources and scholarly articles based on research in the library databases. Remember that critical thinking is not your opinion—rather, it is a claim, assumption, or fact that provides evidence to support an academic argument and/or counterargument. You will see there is a place in the outline to address this.


In this Portfolio Project topic outline assignment, you need to back up your facts, assumptions, and claims with scholarly sources. Refer to logical fallacies from the content. Keep in mind that critical reasoning and thinking skills are not the same as opinions. While it is acceptable as appropriate to write in the first person for this assignment, be sure to read how to avoid personal pronouns and support your ideas with valid, reputable, and scholarly articles.

Include one paragraph noting your journal progress and any questions for your instructor.

Include at least 1-2 scholarly sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

Your academic outline paper should be one page in length, well written, and formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA, and include a title page and reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Elevated Health Care Cost
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Title
Elevated Health Care Cost
The healthcare system in the United States traditionally was seen as a world leader in the industry, recent years has seen that reputation take hits on both quality and costs fronts. The overall quality of care fallen to 37 of 190 countries analyzed by WHO (thepatientfactor.com, 2017). The adage of "you get what you pay for" does not hold true in this instance, in fact the United States spends more on each patient than any other country in the world. The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, found the U.S. spends over $9,000 per capita (pgpf.com, 2016). The U.S. healthcare system continues to perform poorly among those in the developed countries with the soaring cost of access to care, declining life expectancy, low quality of care, and the increasing gap between the poor and the rich.
Annotated Outline
PURPOSE: To show how the healthcare system in the U.S., once seen as a world leader in the industry, has lost its reputation in terms of quality and affordability as analyzed by the WHO.
* Introduction
* Illustration on how the U.S. healthcare system has failed
* While ACA has increased accessibility (Hamel, Abrams & Nuzum, 2015), quality and affordability remain to be major challenges.
* Brief overview of the paper.
* Soaring costs of access to care
* Costs continue to rise with over 26 million Americans remain uninsured (The Guardian, 2017).
* Although ACA has made insurance to be affordable for those uninsured, cos-sharing and premiums remain high for the majority of Americans (Jost, 2016)
* Life expectancy declining despite an increase in health care spending (Haeder, 2017)
* Low quality healthcare
* Obamacare expanded the nonperforming Medicaid denying Americans timely and quality care (O’Shea &...
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