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Persuasive Essay Using the Elements of Writing and Supportive Evidence

Essay Instructions:

I need a outline, a rough draft then the final is that able to be done? #1Create a thesis and outline of your persuasive essay #Write the first draft of your persuasive essay ** the book-Nadell, J., Langan, J., & Comodromos, E. A. (2011). The Longman writer: Rhetoric, reader, research guide, and handbook (8th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education. **instructions The Final Project Assignment: Write a 3- to 5-page final draft of a persuasive essay, using the elements of writing and supportive evidence, about the best way(s) to motivate high school students to complete their classes successfully, with a sense of accomplishment and pride. In addition: Cite at least four examples from your reading (The Longman Writer and/or They Say/I Say). Cite at least three examples from three different outside sources (e.g., books, journal articles, web articles). Note: Wikipedia will not be accepted as an outside resource. Review your essay carefully for any errors in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. Do not simply rely on spell check to catch all mistakes. Create a reference list of all sources in APA format (minimum of five sources). Final Project Weekly Milestones Each week, you will be asked to complete and submit a Final Project Milestone in preparation for the Final Project, which will be due in Week 5 of this course. The Final Project Milestones are a way for you to check your progress. The tasks detailed in the Milestones are graded, and you are required to submit them. You will post the Milestone assignments for each week. The weekly Milestones are: Week 1: Create a thesis and outline of your persuasive essay Week 2: Write the first draft of your persuasive essay Week 3: Revise and write the second draft of your persuasive essay Week 4: Critique a peer's persuasive essay Week 5: Submit final draft of your persuasive essay Writing and Formatting Expectations For each weekly Milestone, as well as for the final submission, you should make sure that all documents: Be in a 10- or 12-point font, such as Arial or Verdana Be double-spaced throughout Have 1-inch margins for top, bottom, left, and right Include your full name and the Assignment title on the document Contact the Student Support Team for assistance with word processing. The contact information is in the Student Support section. Word Processing help is also available in the Writing Center website. The Final Project for this course will be due by Day 7 of Week 5. Return to top Final Project Milestone 1: Thesis and Outline Each week, you will complete and submit a Final Project Milestone in preparation for the Final Project, which will be due in Week 5 of this course. For this week's Milestone, you will create a thesis and outline, which you will then use in your final persuasive essay. To prepare: Review the Final Project Introduction as needed to ensure that your Milestone submissions fit within the larger context of the overall assignment. Review the following resources in The Longman Writer: Chapter 3, "Identifying a Thesis" (pp. 34–39) Chapter 5, "Organizing the Evidence" (pp. 51–54 only) Chapter 14 selection, "Cyberschool" by Clifford Stoll (pp. 282–284) Chapter 18 selection, "In Praise of the 'F' Word" by Mary Sherry (pp. 438–439) Of the ideas presented in the two readings above by Stoll and Sherry, choose one idea that you believe is the most effective in motivating high school students to complete their classes successfully, with a sense of accomplishment and pride, and graduate with their peers. Consider why you believe that this is the most effective way to motivate high school students. Review Chapter 19, "Locating, Evaluating, and Integrating Research Sources" (pp. 465–470, 478–492 only) in The Longman Writer. This chapter contains an in-depth description of how to plan effective research strategies, locate resources, and evaluate information. Refer back to this chapter as you work on your Final Project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Persuasive Essay Using the Elements of Writing and Supportive Evidence
Course title:
* Introduction
* Background on student motivation
* Thesis statement
* Body Paragraphs (motivating high school students)
* Helping the students to find their intrinsic motivation
* Setting high goals but achievable
* Giving feedback and offering chances to improve:
* Offering rewards
* Giving praise when earned
* Giving learners a sense of motivation:
* Defining the objectives
* Creating a threat-free environment:
* Changing the scenery
* Using positive competition
* Give students responsibilities
* Encouraging self-reflection
* Knowing each student properly
* Managing student anxiety
* Conclusion
* Restatement of thesis
* Highlighting the significance of motivating high school students
Rough draft
The behavior and teaching style of the educator, informal interactions with other learners, the nature of the assignments, as well as the structure of the course all have a major effect on student motivation in the classroom. The teacher can utilize a number of ways to motivate his/her students. The teacher can set high, realizable goals given that learners like to be challenged and they will work to attain high expectations so long as they believe that those set goals can be realized. Secondly, the teacher can allow the students a chance to earn rewards and this can greatly motivate them to work even harder. Third, the teacher can change the learning environment for instance by heading to the library for research, or taking field trips. Giving praise for a job well done is also an essential way to motivate students. When the learners are motivated to learn, they will exhibit higher achievement, better understanding concepts, which they are taught, have lower rates of dropout, and they are more contented with school
Final draft
Lack of student motivation in the classroom is a pressing and real problem. Studies have shown that over 40% of students in high school are chronically disengaged from school (Crotty, 2013). Educators have the most power to motivate learners since they are on the front lines. It is of note that educators have much to do with the motivational level of their students. A student might come to class with a certain motivational level. Nonetheless, the behavior and teaching style of the educator, informal interactions with other learners, the nature of the assignments, as well as the structure of the course all have a major effect on student motivation (Thompson, 2011).Thesis statement: motivating students to succeed in school necessitates several creative techniques. Moreover, it takes more than just a single creative technique to keep students motivated and eager to learn more. Finding the right ways of keeping learners motivated and engaged in the process of learning is crucial for their academic success.
Motivating high school students to complete their classes successfully
There are a number of ways that an educator can utilize to motivate students to complete their classes successfully with a sense of pride and accomplishment. These include the following: (i) helping the students to find their intrinsic motivation: intrinsic motivation basically develops from a desire to learn a topic because of its integral interests, to accomplish mastery of the subject, and for enjoyment and self-fulfillment. Assisting the learners to find their own individual reasons for working hard and doing class work, be it because they want to go to college, they find material interesting, or just love to learn, is a vital gift that the educator can offer them (Crotty, 2013).
(ii) Setting high goals but achievable: in case a teacher is not pushing his/her learners to do more than the bare minimum, then the majority of the students will not seek to push themselves on their own. In essence, learners like to be challenged and they will work to accomplish high anticipations provided that they believe that those set goals are achievable.
(iii) Giving feedback and offering chances to improve: learners struggling with class work could at times feel exasperated and get down on themselves, thereby draining motivation. In situations like this one, it is vital for the educator to assist the student to learn precisely where he/she went wrong, and the way that the student could improve next time (Nadell, Langan&Comodromos, 2011).
(iv) Offering rewards: giving students the chance of earning rewards is a crucial source of motivation. It is notable that things such as watching films, pizza parties among other rewards could make learners to work harder and actually aim to achieve. The teacher should consider the needs as well as personalities of his/her students in order to determine suitable rewards for his/her class (Crotty, 2013).
(v) Giving praise when earned: encouragement is one of the motivational ways that works very well. Even as grownups, people desire praise, recognition, and students are no exception. Educators could provide their students with plenty of motivation simply by openly rewarding success, sharing exemplary wor...
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