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Albert Einstein Quote: The Methods Of Communication

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You have to write an essay sample on Albert Einstein Quote

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Albert Einstein Quote Students Name Institutional Affiliation “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity”. – Albert Einstein Humanity refers to the human race and the manner in which human beings relate with one another in their daily activities. The relation is best facilitated by communication. In addition, the current advancements in technology have already changed the manner in which people interact. The methods of communication have changed a lot from the traditional methods to faster ways such as phone calls. Therefore, the question lies on the validity of Albert Einstein technology quote as to whether technology is taking over the world. Social media One of the ways through which the technology is changing people is through the issue of social media platforms. This has changed the culture of making a few and trusted friends in real life and turned people into believing in the virtual world. This is most common among the younger generation because they understand more how the social networks as compared to the older generations. It is possible to find a situation whereby a teenager is always on the phone chatting with friends that they do not know and would probably never meet in life. Hence, as Einstein quote technology, this is an indication that technology has already changed humanity. Without the presence of technology, people would interact in the real world and make friends that they could rely on in the event of an emergency. Technology has brought new ideas that have led to the erosion of cultures across the world. Replacement of workers with computers In addition, technology has exceeded our humanity in the fact that computers are able to carry out the tasks that used to be carried out by human beings. As well, the current advancements in technology are an indication that it will completely outdo the actions of human beings. People will be guided by a world of computers whereby they only make commands on what they want in life. Also, it might reach a point whereby the world will be controlled by the technology that people would find it difficult to operate without its existence. This is already happening in our schools whereby students are allowed to use calculators to solve mathematical problems. The end result of this behavior is that the student will not be able to handle simple calculations in the future without the help of calculators. Also, there are different applications used to proofread long texts...
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