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Magnetic Field Will Effect The Body Axis Several Mammalian Species

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Magnetic Field Will Effect The Body Axis Of Several Mammalian Species

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Magnetic Field Will Effect The Body Axis Of Several Mammalian Species
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Magnetic Field Will Effect the Body Axis of Several Mammalian Species
There has been a clear and spontaneous alignment of the body with respect to magnet fields in several mammal species affecting a myriad of behavioral contexts such as in grazing and resting cattle, roe deer and red deer and hunting red foxes among others. The significance of magnetic alignment has found its application in its ability to scan for the occurrence of magnetosensitivity across animal populations with a heuristic potential to contribute to the understanding of the mechanism of magnetoreception. Understanding magnet alignment is also critical in establishing other functions of a magnetic sense besides navigation.
The study proposes to identify instances of expression of magnet alignment in dogs.
Hypothesis: The magnetoreception in dogs is reasonable given the extraordinary homing abilities of dogs and closely related species like red foxes, coyotes and grey wolves. Proving the research hypothesis by discovering magnetoreception in dogs would mean new opportunities for further magnetobiological research. Given that dogs are already used as experimental research subjects globally, the discovery would promote training the dogs to react on multiple sensory stimuli. Further, since dogs are widely used in a myriad of biomedical applications as experimental subjects, discovering a new sense in magnetoreception would have extensive impact on this field.
The research focuses on taking various observations on the subjects. Over a two-year period, the observations to be taken will include defecation and urination by the subjects.
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