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Education on childhood obesity

Essay Instructions:

Use the references I listed and a few outside for maybe stats

Group topic- education on childhood obesity

Analyze the social issue the group selected during the last week by delving deeply into all facets of the issue through research. The goal of your analysis is to address the “heart” or “root” of the issue, and not a symptom of it.

The analysis should be broadly stated in order to allow for many possibilities for exploration within the remaining three steps of the Group Project. Think about the problem and what the end result might look like to help craft an ideal problem statement.

Submit a 1- to 2-page analysis and includes the problem statement of the core issue

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Education on childhood obesity
Obesity is associated with in cardiovascular diseases and other complications that increase morbidity and mortality. Since the cost implications of diabetes are enormous, education on childhood obesity is essential to improve the health outcomes of children and reduce the financial burden on the health system. There is increased recognition that obesity is not only affected by personal responsibility, but there are many factors at play (CQ Press, 2010). Advertising and marketing of low nutrient unhealthy foods are contentious issues, given that such foods also contain high calories which increase the likelihood of obesity. Coordinated programs integrating nutrition and physical actives as well as community involvement can help to improve healthy eating habits (Wechsler, 2004).
Education on childhood obesity is a crucial to prevent further increase in the obesity rates. In many poor neighborhoods, unhealthy food is more common as the prices are typically low (Galvez et al., 2009). Educating parents on the need to cook healthy food would ensure that they do not rely so much on food outlets and convenience stores which stock a lot of the unhealthy food. Since parents are left with few options they may choose the unhealthier options owing to the price advantage, and in most cases, the processed food tends to be sweetened making it easier for children to overeat (Galvez et al., 2009). Another problem is that supermarkets which stock healthier foods tend to be farther away from poor neighborhoods, and the residents have few options as these food deserts result to people choosing unhealthier foods over time.
Parental investments in education should not be downplayed as having little effect on childhood obesity. The impact of education investment may not be immediate, but it is often associated with improved ability to manage obesity over time. If the children’s wellbeing is cared for in the family, then they are more likely to also improve the family’s wellbeing (Stabile & Allin, 2012). Since parents make their decisions based on the family’s well being then better education on childhood obesity would highlight on areas that need improvement. Being informed and educated affects the decision...
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