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2 pages/≈550 words
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Diversification's Vital Role in the Success of Music Shows

Essay Instructions:

The following points clearly delineate what is expected on the concert report. Carefully following this format will insure a good grade. 1. Neatly typed. 2. Offer objective observations on four or five pieces in the program as defined in the terms of the text and lectures (primarily from the Contents in Exam #1). 3. Offer subjective perceptions and opinions of those pieces. Did you like or dislike what you heard, and why. 4. The required length of the paper is one and one half typewritten pages. Limit the maximum length to two pages. Type Font size should be 12 (New Times Roman or New York), double-spaced (350-500 words). Papers noticeably under the 350-500 word requirement will be penalized. 5. Grading will be based upon two factors. First, 5 points of the concert report will be evaluated on the basis of the accuracy of the objective observations. Second, the latter 5 points will be evaluated on the basis of correct spelling, proper grammar and proper application of punctuation. 6. This is an academic paper. Do not write in a conversational, text message or "novelist's" manner or style.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Concert Report
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I have always been in love with music shows, as this soothes my nerves and gives me a chance to learn and explore new things. Most recently, I attended the SDSU Jazz Ensemble. The show was held on November 26, 2018, Monday, at 6:00 p.m. Directed by Bill Yeager, SDSU Jazz Ensemble’s venue was the SDSU Smith Recital Hall, School of Music and Dance, San Diego State University. I had brought a couple of friends and cousins with me so that I could have a great and incredible time. We reached the venue one hour prior to the actual time so that tickets could be bought and seats could be located as soon as possible.
Sax Alley, presented by John Bambridge, caught my attention the most since the performers had worn attractive dresses, and their performance and their personalities were highly admirable. DJ Martin, Jared Cruz, Isaiah Davis, Griffin Powdrell, and Chaz Cabrera were forefronts at the show. From its melody to the performance of artists to the overall look of the SDSU Smith Recital Hall, everything was appealing in the...
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