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CJS 6300 DF1: Discussion Response Post on CPTED

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to Michael, Destiny, Jessie about their post in 2 different paragraphs as if you were me. Not in 3rd person.

1. Michael Kenny

Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is a proactive effort to improve the quality of life by reducing crime, fear of crime, and victimization through modification of the physical environment. I took the following quote from Part 1 of our text that is a simple, but completely accurate statement that clearly defines CPTED for me, “Leveraging the environment to support and influence human behavior” (Crowe 2014).

It is important for different fields to work in conjunction with one another because CPTED provides more than simply crime control. In this weeks material, the BJA article, What is CPTED and How Can it Help Your Community, points out that CPTED, “can change how people act in a place by altering its design.” Additionally, “CPTED requires input from multiple people, including users of the space who might have varied perceptions of what makes it feel scary or safe, as well as property managers, community developers, and law enforcement personnel who bring different information and resources to conversations about crime” (BJAtraining.org). All of these different “stakeholders” have different knowledge, understanding, and views about locations as well as varied ideas for betterment. By asking questions and getting input from different perspectives, the area in question can be seen through the eyes of many and problems and solutions can be better understood and implemented.

2. Destiny Hamilton

Some fields which can benefit from using CPTED would be the medical field (hospitals and doctor's offices), retail areas (shopping centers, malls, strip malls, grocery stores), and sleeping accommodations (motels, hotels, and the like). These are places are high congested areas where there are many people and while during the day the dangers may not be as noticeable when night comes there are dangers that in the day were clear but night can hide people looking to rob or hurt someone else. Those places should work together to try and make their areas clear and safe for those who patronize them. Even in the daylight the most daring robber or criminal is willing to take a chase and be foolish to rob or hurt others. If the places in these areas would come together and see what areas need securing such as lighting, removal of shrubbery that blocks windows, doors, or walkways that can be dangerous at night. It is important to question everything because the smallest thing can be what makes for a major episode to happen. For example, there may be trash dumps on the side of a building and it seems that there is no apparent danger during the day. However, a criminal can hide on the hidden side and attack someone when coming out to dump the trash. So, questions such as where can these be placed that will give security even in the daylight? Once the shrubbery is cut, what will be used to secure looking into the business during off-hours instead of leaving them where anyone can look in and see what they have available to steal? What time should timers go off while a business is closed to appear that someone is inside and how often? Should the timers be changed daily so that there is not a pattern? If the timers are changed this means that a robber would not know when those timers are set to go off and would not want to chance getting caught versus a timer being set for the same time allows a robber to know when the timers are off and can do the crime. Asking these questions along with others that could come about will help make sure that all areas are covered and to have plans in place to make the concerned areas safe for all during the day as well as the night.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion Response Post on CPTED
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Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design is a trusted crime prevention theory. It is a preventative model and not a reactive model, and it operates in five principles: Physical security, Surveillance, Movement control, Defense space, management and maintenance (“Crime Prevention”, 2021). I find Michael Kenny’s description of CPTED quite extensive. I uphold the idea that different fields have to collaborate to achieve the successful implementation of CPTED. For the weeks BJA article, CPTED is a model that helps the environment achieve stability from crime and the fear of the opportunities that crime may happen (“Crime Prevention”, 2021). The top beneficiaries of the model are the head of security of different bodies. The application of the model at the earliest stage presents a platform for optimal benefits. The model mustn't work alone; instead, the Security team should incorporate the model with other social, environment and the strategies that a community have put i...
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