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Discussion on the Impacts of Climate Change

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Climate Change
Climate change is an issue that is considered as a huge security threat. Buhang (2016) argues that research studies have shown that climate change and conflict have increased over the past few years. Therefore, climatic change should be regarded as a huge threat that is set to affect stability and peace. Scientific research on the impacts of climate change and conflict argue that although climate change has adverse effects, it tends to worsen the issue of conflicts. However, it may not contribute to direct armed conflict if countries adhere to the suggested solutions in the coming years. Studies have also shown that in addition to climate change worsening the conflict situation; it is also associated with other several forms of security outcomes.
Buhang (2016) says that climate changes contribute to a wide range of conflict, including civil conflicts and political violence which lead to more casualties. The issue of climate change and its impact on conflict adopts a long-term perspective, while empirical studies addresses short term variability of climate change and how it contributes to the risks of conflict. Therefore, social responses should play a key role in addressing climate variability as well as short-term variability of conflict.
Similar sentiments of food security have been shared by Giannini, Cristina, et al (2017) who argue that animal pollination tend to affect food security because pollinators are the main agents that pollinate crops that are used in the production of seeds and fruits. Therefore, climate change that has been predicted is set to affect pollinators of crops and this will have a major impact on production of crops, particularly when it comes to wild pollinators.
The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) says that climate change impacts negatively on food security since it causes changes on growth and production of food. This leads to an increase in the prices of crop and food thus worsening the issue hunger, migration, abandonment of land, and migration. Studies have also revealed that climate change across the world will result to a 14% reduction in per capita production of cereals by the year 2030 (Giannini, Cristina, et al, 2017). This is a dangerous trend since the areas that will be mostly affected are the tropical regions as well as less developed countries. In these regions, climate change will experience an 8% loss in yields by 2050 thus increasing the prevalence of hunger.
According to John Kerry, climate change is a personal issue to many people since it affects the global community and it overwhelms most people in the U.S. A global agreement was signed in France and it committed 55 countries to reduce global emission by 55%. After one year, 109 countries that are responsible for global emissions also signed the agreement (Kerry, 2016). Kerry argued that officials from America such as intelligence and military leaders as well as coastal cities mayors have noted that erratic rainfalls and the rise in sea levels are major signs of climate change.
As noted by previous authors, Kerry added that climate change may be one of the factors that can contribute to increased tensions as well as conflict between countries. Therefore, the combined efforts of researchers, innovators, and investors will play a key role in developing technological tools that would reduce climatic change, with this advancement being needed as soon as possible (Kerry, 2016). Scholars and researchers at universities such as MIT have been at the leading position when it comes to innovation and developing technologies that reduces the impact of climate change.
Reinhardt and Toffel (2017) say that management of climate change is an important lesson that can be borrowed from the United States Navy. This is because the Navy is responsible for the management of climate change since it handles assets worthbillions that are spread across all oceans and every continent. Military officials argue that climate change will place pressures on resource competition and thus increase the burden that is faced by societies, economies and government agencies in different parts of the world. This implies that climate change will act as threat multipliers that would worsen the problems that the world is facing, including environmental degradation, poverty, social tensions, and political instability.
Therefore, climate change will amplify the demand for navy and humanitarian services and also negativity affect the capacity of defense force to conduct their mandate. Therefore, two approaches will be needed to address climate change and they include mitigation and adaptation (Reinhardt & Toffel, 2017). Additionally, leadership challenges must be addressed to ensure that climate change is adequately addressed before the negative impacts can worsen.
Weems and Subramaniam (2017) say that management of climate change is essential for enhancement of environmental health. Reframing is an important aspect of transforming or altering how the public views of climate change. Climate change has led to huge confusion since it has harmful impacts on the environment. Scientists have warned people about the grave consequences that climate change is causing to the planet, but it seems that global warning has continued to worsen.
As extreme weather pattern continue to exacerbate, the world will continue to face worsening climatic events, including cold spells, hot spells, drought, and extreme rainfall and so on. Therefore, world leaders should play a leading role in circumnavigating the negative impacts of climate change. The authors have also endeavored to establish the perception of the pubic towards the i...
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