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Discussion on Border Security

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, assume you are the new Secretary of Homeland Security. You are drafting a Policy Document referred to as a “White Paper” for the Biden Administration to highlight the impact of open/closed borders in the age of COVID-19 on migration, asylum seekers, and economic recovery. In this white paper, consider the following to frame your paper.

Define what YOU believe an “OPEN” vs “CLOSED” border means especially when dealing with those seeking asylum. Reminder that you can provide your opinion without using “I think” or something similar.

How do you believe illegal migrants can be treated humanely and with dignity/inclusion?

How does an “open” vs a “closed” border impact the United States economy?

What are your recommendations for the next 12-24 months on specific steps that the new administration needs to take?

DO NOT answer this as if it is a four Question Exam. This is a WHITE PAPER and is a single narrative framed by these questions, but do NOT use first person (I statements).

The typical format for a White Paper is:

Define the issue

Analyze it

Summarize your findings and recommendations

To help you with this assignment please consider the following references:

Tips for Writing Policy Papers

White Papers and Briefing Books

Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 5-7 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).

Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. Therefore, at least 5 sources are required for this assignment.

Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.

Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.

Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.





please use additional Scholarly resources as needed. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

White Paper- Border Security
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
White Paper- Border Security
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plays a critical role in enhancing the safety and security of United States’ borders while facilitating an orderly, safe, and humane system of immigration. Since Covid-19 is a major threat to the wellbeing of Americans, DHS must respond to the threat and any other hazard. A key strategy to manage the pandemic is to secure and manage the borders through administering immigration laws. Border and immigration policies are fundamental in addressing the issue of security since the country shares land borders with Canada and Mexico. Since the United States has numerous opportunities, most people might be willing to immigrate. However, the government needs to restrict border movement as one of the ways to contain the spread of coronavirus.
The United States has focused on enhancing border security through hiring border patrol agents, establishing electronic surveillance systems, and building fences to deter unauthorized individuals' entry into the country. However, such a security strategy is likely to misalign with the economic goals that facilitate the effective flow of goods through the border crossings. Therefore, closed borders would not be suitable in the United States since they would majorly hinder economic growth (Finley & Esposito, 2020). Rather than closed borders, the government should enhance economic integration with neighboring countries. However, government agencies would have to conduct screening and other mechanisms to curb coronavirus spread.
President Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, enacted closed borders, which forced asylum seekers to stay out of the country during the processing of their cases (Finley & Esposito, 2020). However, President Biden has reversed the policies through advocacy of open borders that facilitate the movement of asylum seekers. Although the borders are only partially open due to the covid-19 pandemic, asylum seekers are likely to receive the assistance they need, such as job training, enrolment to English class, and other forms of assistance that the government offers. On the contrary, closed borders would influence the United States to subject families and children to persecution and numerous threats. Moreover, in most instances, asylum seekers seek refuge in the United States due to environmental degradation, poverty, and conflicts. Therefore, the government would subject the asylum seekers to numerous risks by denying them a chance to cross the borders to the United States.
Open borders denote the government policies to authorize the entry of immigrants to the United States with or without restrictions. In such a case, the government would facilitate economic expansion without subjecting asylum seekers to affliction. Since President Biden has embraced the open borders policy, it would only be important to implement strategies to prevent the spread of coronavirus pandemics. On the contrary, closed borders mark state sovereignty’s waning with spatial strategies, such as checkpoints, sterile areas, blockades, and other security zones (Schacher, 2020). In most instances, immigrants move to the United States in search of better infrastructures, economic opportunities, healthcare services, and good health. Therefore, closed borders would be against the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment that protects people from unreasonable seizure. The constitution protects individuals’ freedom from any forcible acts of the government.
Ways that the United States can Treat Illegal Immigrants Humanely
The United States should treat illegal immigrants humanely by recognizing them and respecting their fate. For instance, the government should provide them with appropriate medical services for any conditions that they might have. Besides, the country should provide them with decent accommodation, such as homes rather than tents. Furthermore, since most immigrants travel with their families, the relevant authorities should not separate or split them (Homeland Security, 2011). The United States should acquire asylum quicker and effectively to avoid any delays. Moreover, they would access decent jobs and other government benefits in such a case.
The government’s key focus should be to assist illegal immigrants to curb terror threats in the country. Rather than focusing on ways that asylum seekers might have broken the existing laws and regulations, relevant authorities should focus on rescuing them (John, 2016). Currently, the president should provide decent living conditions to all the illegal immigrants and the kids that the previous government separated from their parents. In addition, in the current era of the coronavirus pandemic, the government must ensure that it maintains social distancing in camps to enhance the wellbeing of the asylums.
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