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Discipline Action Policy for the Employees of the Triton Food Suppliers Manhattan

Essay Instructions:

this includes a narrated portion - if you cannot do that part its okay as long as written portion is done and script is done thank you
Producing an effective message encompasses efficient planning and organization and models influential communication. In this task, you will create an effective message by proposing a policy or process change for an organization or community of your choosing. You will then create a professional, influential, narrated digital multimedia message of your proposed change.
This task includes three parts:
• a written message plan
• a professional, narrated multimedia presentation that focuses on a policy or process change for an organization or community of your choosing (e.g., workplace, environmental, social group or club, neighborhood, school, etc.)
• a written script of the audio narration for the multimedia presentation
Note: You must use Panopto for this task. You may use Panopto to create the narrated portion, or you may use another software of your choice and upload the resulting video file to Panopto for evaluation.
A. Present your written message plan by doing the following:
1. Describe the audience, organization, or community you wish to target with your proposed policy or process change, including 2–3 defining characteristics of that group.
2. Describe the policy or process change and explain why this change is of concern to the chosen audience, organization, or community.
3. Discuss your proposed change to the policy or process and how the change will affect the chosen audience, organization, or community.
B. Present your proposed policy or process change from part A by doing the following:
1. Create a narrated multimedia presentation that meets the following criteria:
• appropriate for the selected audience
• describes the problem to be solved
• proposes the change
• integrates the following principles of multimedia design:
o effective organization
o effective opening and closing
o appropriate choice and placement of relevant visuals o effective use of vocalics (i.e., pitch, tone, inflection, volume)
Note: Submit a video recording using Panopto of your narrated multimedia presentation. The video should feature a voiceover of you narrating your multimedia presentation and should not show you speaking, so your webcam should not be enabled. The narration should be no longer than 7 minutes and at least 2 minutes long (suggested length 2–4 minutes). You may use Panopto to record the narration by using screen capture, or you may use another software of your choice and upload the resulting video file to Panopto.
2. Submit a written transcription of the narration for your multimedia presentation. The transcription should meet each of the following criteria:
• accurately represents the information presented in the multimedia presentation
• appropriately addresses and enhances the content of the presentation
Note: For instructions on how to access and use Panopto, use the "Panopto FAQ’s" web link provided below, as well as the attached D268 Panopto Instructions document provided below in Supporting Documents.
To submit your recording, select the Panopto folder titled “Introduction to Communication Multimedia proposal – RRM1 Task 3 / D268.” Once the recording has been uploaded and processed in Panopto's system, retrieve the URL of the recording from Panopto and copy and paste it into the Links option. Upload the remaining task requirements using the Attachments option.
C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. This includes source citation for any visual elements used in the digital presentation.
D. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Communication Multimedia Policy: Discipline Action Policy
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Communication Multimedia Policy: Discipline Action Policy
Company policies are the laws and regulations that stipulate the roles and responsibilities of employees and the company’s beliefs, ethics, and business principles. The disciplinary action policies tackle the problems of performance, safety, honesty, and misconduct, determining the course of action to be taken if the company’s policies are violated. According to Shah and Arnold (2019), a well-written policy prevents the organization from lawsuits that might affect the company’s reputation. Each organization has different policies that govern their day to day activities. Our organization has been underperforming for a while because of increasing numbers of unsatisfying performance from the sales department. For this reason, the management has developed a written disciplinary policy that can protect both the organization and the staff.
Written Message Plan
Target Audience
The message is for the employees of the Triton Food Suppliers Manhattan branch. Specifically, it targets the marketing unit supervisors who need to understand how to handle disciplinary mistakes that their team members commit. Also, it will help them know how to prepare the team by warning them what they risk facing if they violate the policies. The other targeted audiences are the marketing team members. The message will help them be completely aware of the punishment that awaits them if they are at fault. Also, it will enable them to understand what is expected of them and what they should not do when at the workplace. Moreover, it will give the marketers a platform for defending themselves if they feel they have been maltreated. Finally, the message will be necessary to the management if they are needed to mediate between the supervisors and the marketing team members. The written laws will guide them on how to handle the situation.
Policy Description
The new disciplinary policy will mainly focus on guaranteeing our branch meets the quarterly targets that we have not achieved the last three consecutive times. The warning message will be written, and each team member will have their copy to avoid claims of not being aware of the policy. Each marketer is expected to reach a target of 1,500 sales at the end of each quarter. In case sales personnel fails to achieve the target, they will face a suspension, pay cuts, or termination depending on how low they went and the explanation they give to the supervisor. The marketing team members have the right to appeal to the management if they feel the supervisor is unfair.
The policy will also tackle the issue of customer mishandling. There have been several complaints from clients both online and to our offices regarding the mistreatment from our staff. The policy reveals that any employee guilty of mishandling the customers will face different punishment depending on the team’s number of warnings. The policy will specify how the team will analyze the complaints to avoid situations where the staff will be punished unfairl...
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