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Developing Workplace Health Improvement Plan and Worksite Wellness Programs

Essay Instructions:

Designing a Workplace Wellness Program
In the Module 2 through Module 4 applications, you will design a workplace wellness program for either your employment setting or another organization. In the course so far, you have received abundant information on design models, best practices, and principles. You will choose the way you design the program you are proposing. In this application, you will develop an action plan for the program.
View/Download the Action Plan Template Download Action Plan Template(DOC) for use in this assignment.
Create a 2-page paper (not including the title and references pages) in a Word document for your response. Use APA format.
Create a title page and references page in APA format.
Follow the steps to complete the assignment.
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Step 1. Review and Research
Using Google or another search engine, review the following topics using the provided key phrases to assist with the assignment.
Workplace health improvement plan
Need for worksite wellness programs
Benefits of worksite wellness programs
Establishing worksite wellness committee
Assess employee needs and interests
Developing wellness program
Wellness program incentives
Step 2. Action Planning
Design an action plan for the workplace wellness program you are proposing. You may use the Action Plan Template (linked above) or create your own template.
Address the following.
Determine the design for the program.
Determine the need and interest for the program with data support.
Compose the program mission, goals, and objectives.
List 1-3 program goals.
Establish the action steps according to these categories:
Tasks/Action Steps: What will be done?
Responsibilities: Who will do it?
Resources: Funding>? Time? People? Materials?
Timeline: By whom?
Describe program benefits to employees.
Describe incentives for employees.
Step 3. Write
Compose a one-page introduction to the action plan, which will be set up in template format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Design A Workplace Wellness Program
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Name
Professor's Name
Due Date
It is important to have a workplace wellness program to enhance the general health of all individuals in the worksite. The 'Let's Soar Together Program' is focused on offering health training and education to both the employees and employers. The major points of learning will be ways to promote workplace safety and enhance the overall health of individuals. Meetings will be held weekly where keynote speakers, health professionals, staff, and employers will address the issues at hand and their solutions. A needs assessment will be conducted first to determine the needs of the employees.
The program aims to impart knowledge on how to take care of self in a rather risky worksite. The program is targeted to benefit the employees and the employers by reducing ill health issues, elevating employee productivity, lowering costs usually incurred in healthcare, and promoting the morale of all individuals. The program aims to reduce the annual number of workplace accidents by half, promote a healthy worksite environment, and promote the overall health and wellness of every person who goes in and out of the worksite. After six months, the program is targeted to achieve its objectives and recruit new members with zero membership fees. Individuals who will be well will be rewarded with gift cards.
Review and Research
Workplace Health Improvement Plan
It is essential to have a plan that guides the objectives of a worksite. The workplace health improvement plan acts as a tool where the employees, employers, and stakeholders communicate and inform each other of the program's purpose, process, and success.
Need for Worksite Wellness Programs
Wellness programs are crucial in the workplace as they promote a friendly working environment. Both the employees and the employers can be more productive and in good shape (Carlson, 2014). They promote resilience and create massive morale to push through adversities in the workplace.
Benefits of Worksite Wellness Programs
Many benefits come from having the worksite wellness programs in existence. These benefits include improving employees' health behaviors, increasing general productivity, reducing costs incurred in healthcare, and elevating employees’ morale (Carlson, 2014).
Worksite Wellness Committee
In every worksite wellness program, a committee makes work easier for both the employees and the employers. The committee communicates, motivates, and supports the worksite wellness program (Carlson, 2014). By supporting the program, the mental and physical health of the employees is improved.
Assessing Employee Needs and Interests
Employee needs and interests are regularly assessed to determine the existing gaps in wellness programs. The assessment is very important as it guides the worksite wellness program's goals, objectives, mission, and vision.
Developing a Wellness Program
Developing a wellness program is a critical process that needs utmost cooperation and support from all the involved parties. Developing a successful wellness program will require commitment from the management team, a sound wellness committee, accurate data collection, plan development, a supportive working environment, focus on the needs of the employees, and evaluation and modification (Carlson, 2014).
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