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Description and Analysis of "Salvador, Late or Early?"

Essay Instructions:

Will upload a picture of grading rubric on description verses analysis exercise

You will find attached both a short story and a description verses analysis exercise. Start by opening the exercise and reading the difference between description and analysis. Next, read the short story by Sandra Cisneros making sure to practice close reading and annotation. Finally, revisit the exercise document and complete both a description and analysis of the short story. As discussed in the overview/lecture this week, the description you write will not require as much time and effort and thus will not be as long as the analysis. The analysis will be your chance to dig deeper into the literary elements such as setting, character, tone, theme, figurative language, etc. Use your annotations of the story to help you in your analysis. In addition, ask yourself what, why and how when it comes to the literary elements the author is using.

Use this article for the assignment written below

Salvador, Late or Early

By Sandra Cisneros, from “Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories” Salvador with eyes the color of caterpillar, Salvador of the crooked hair and crooked teeth, Salvador whose name the teacher cannot remember, is a boy who is no one’s friend, runs along somewhere in that vague direction where homes are the color of bad weather, lives behind a raw wooden doorway, shakes the sleepy brothers awake, ties their shoes, combs their hair with water, feeds them milk and corn flakes from a tin cup in the dim dark of the morning. Salvador, late or early, sooner or later arrives with the string of younger brothers ready. Helps his mama, who is busy with the business of the baby. Tugs the arms of Cecilio, Arturito, makes them hurry, because today, like yesterday, Arturito has dropped the cigar box of crayons, has let go the hundred little fingers of red, green, yellow, blue, and nub of black sticks that tumble and spill over and beyond the asphalt puddles until the crossing-guard lady holds back the blur of traffic for Salvador to collect them again.

Salvador inside that wrinkled shirt, inside the throat that must clear itself and apologize each time it speaks, inside that forty pound body of boy with its geography of scars, its history of hurt, limbs stuffed with feathers and rags, in what part of the eyes, in what part of the heart, in that cage of the chest where something throbs with both fists and knows only what Salvador knows, inside that body too small to contain the hundred balloons of happiness, the single guitar of grief, is a boy like any other disappearing out the door, beside the schoolyard gate, where he has told his brothers they must wait. Collects the hands of Cecilio and Arturito, scuttles off dodging the many schoolyard colors, the elbows and wrists crisscrossing, the several shoes running. Grows small and smaller to the eye, dissolves into the bright horizon, flutters in the air before disappearing like a memory of kites.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short Story Description and Analysis
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A story description is a summary of the main events of a story. It outlines the story's plot and may include characterization and setting details. An analysis is a more in-depth look at the story. It examines the themes, symbols, and other elements of the story and looks at the deeper meaning behind the story. This discussion evaluates a description and analysis of a story.
The story is about a young boy named Salvador who lives in poverty. He has to help his mother with her baby and take care of his younger brothers, Cecilio and Arturito. Every day, Salvador helps his brothers prepare for school and collects the crayons that Arturito drops (Cisneros, 1992). He then escorts them...
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