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Descartes and Wewton, Phil 472 Long Paper

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I will send you via Email . please follow the instructions . please I need it done by wednesday 17 its ok if you do more than 8 pages its better for the grade. thanks.
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As it was anciently expressed that great minds think alike, so it is true in the case of Rene Descartes and Isaac Newton. Despite the fact that they explored different fields of research topics generally, they significantly made scientific contributions individually. The foundations of the two philosophers’ beliefs establish their similarities as well as their discourse and examinations. However, they were attained in differing approaches. Descartes developed most of his philosophies through personal discussions. This is because he proved his ideas through constant and severe experimenting and tests of doubt and rationality. On the other hand, Newton discussed his early scientific discoveries at London’s Royal society. He shared his great discoveries and thoughts with his contemporaries. Therefore, here in is the work on the discoveries of the two minds and their scientific discoveries, their similarities and their differences. Further is the examination of how their discoveries relates to faith and theology and the role they played in the academic shift (Clarke, 1982).
Descartes and Newton had one commonality that brought about a drift in the academic arena. The two of them believed that science and theology were different. They argued that science would not be under the influence of theology and faith. They used their discoveries and discussions to support their arguments, hence causing influence in the education field. These theories, facts and discoveries by the two philosophers are relevant in the science to date despite the fact that they were discovered and or discussed several centuries ago. They played a major role in laying the stage for the present science. Through their discussions they drew a distinction between the spiritual and the natural world. They were devoted to explain the laws that govern the natural world and the science (Clarke, 1982). Throughout their discussions and arguments they perceive that the world can run automatically through the help of natural forces. They would develop their thoughts from other philosophers such as Galileo Gallilei. However, at some point they would dispute the arguments and discussions of other philosopher and traditional beliefs.
Descartes’ discussions, thoughts and the entire philosophical system were based on the concept of truism. He argued that if anything can be distinctively and clearly thought, then it is true. Therefore, this train of thoughts made his trust on scientific observation and experimenting lessen. He believed that a scientist’ greatest product is an irrefutable hypothesis. On the other hand, Newton based his discussions on the tangible experiments and examinations. At the point when he was working to disprove the experimentation methods of Descartes, is when he used the combination of astrology and physics. He believed that mathematics and experiment were the only form of truth and proof found in the world. His predecessors had renowned the works of Aristotle, however, he disputed their arguments through the formulation of the three Newton laws of motion. Unlike Descartes, he believed that if anything cannot be seen, described, touched and or calculated, then it did not and could not exist (Clarke, 1982).
Descartes put God out of the picture in his theories. He believed that the universe can run on its own without the intervention of God. The argument that science and theology had no relationship indicated that the universe needed and operated on the natural laws of motion. He went further to explain his theories (Gauch, 2003). On the other hand, Newton though believed that the universe runs on the scientific laws, God intervenes occasionally to keep big clock moving. Newton was religious and went ahead to write numerous articles on religious topics. However, Descartes disputed his theory that God would intervene. He stated that universe was designed to run on its own and the animals were the little clocks that run the universe. His perception of God was that He was a giant clockmaker. He created the planets in accordance with the rules that human beings would study and understand, if they reason properly. After the creation, he argued that God withdrew Himself from the running of the universe and left His creation to run on its own. Descartes theories did not leave room for the traditional philosophies and beliefs. In order to bring out a clear break from the traditional way of thinking he used French instead of the traditional Latin, to publish his works. He said that Latin language was an ecclesiastical doctrine and scholasticism language. Similarly, Newton disregarded the traditional thinking and philosophies. However, he referred to some of the ancient thinkers such as Galileo and picked a few theories which he further developed and explained mathematically. He also used some of Descartes works to develop his motion theories (Gauch, 2003).
Descartes referred to matter as the number of particles infinitely filling the universe. He argued that there was no vacuum and it could be proven mathematically. However, he never did that himself. He explained that in order for a person to understand the universe they must start with a blank slate and apply proper reasoning. If you do not think/reason, then you do not existence. Mind over matter saying was developed from these theories. He started by questioning his existence and concluded that because he could think, he existed. Thinking ability was the mere basis for the existence of human beings. Therefore, every problem can be solved by starting with the simplest of the matter and moving to the most complicated matters. On the other hand, Newton believed that the only solution to any problem in the universe was mathematics and experimenting. He said that if anything cannot be touched, seen, described and or calculated then it did not exist. Therefore, his theories were based on the calculations and he developed the back bone of the calculus a unit that is presently relevant in the scientific field.
Descartes and Newton believed in mathematics as the basis for the science. However, Newton believed that it is only when any mathematical formula could be proven that it was true. In contrary, Descartes argued that as long as it can be reasoned out then it existed and the formulation would come later. Hence his major contribution is the theory it is through reasoning and not experimentation that the truth is discovered. He argued that since mathematics is the foundation of the scientific discoveries, the formula was the evidence of th...
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