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The Denouement in Amy Tan's "Rules of the Game"

Essay Instructions:

After looking up “dénouement,” describe what this looks like in Tan’s story––how it works.
How do you feel about Tan’s depiction of family here?
Why does this story end the way that it does?

Your response should be a minimum of 500 words.

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Rules of the Game
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Rules of the Game
Based on the list of literary terms, the denouement “signifies the resolution or conclusion of a literary work. It entails the untangling of complications and a sense of completion to the action.” This can also be seen as the “resolution” in the plot following the climax and preceding the falling action of the plot. In Amy Tan's story, the denouement iwhen Waverly runs up to her room and ponders her next move, as if her life was a chess game, while thinking that her mother is the unbeatable chess opponent with dark, scary eyes. While this may not seem like a common resolve or resolution, it is functioning as such in the author’s work. Waverly grew up with a very critical mother and even when she got good at chess, her mother keeps putting her down and pushing her to do better even when she’s already doing her best. To me, Tan’s depiction of a family here is similar to how many people view Asian families where success is very important and even if you are advancing, you are still expected to do more and achieve more. This is a common stereotype for Asians—to be high achievers and have critical parents. This is a common portrayal of a family...
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