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Decisionmaker’s Reactions

Essay Instructions:

Discussion: Week 13 Decisionmaker’s Reaction

Read James O’Toole’s article, watch Brooke Deterline’s TedXTalk, review Michelle Wolf’s speech and interview, and watch the West Wing episode. Each has faced a moral problem in the workplace, taken a particular action (which can include doing nothing), and gotten a specific result.

Create a post and answer the questions below. Provide answers followed y each question, please limit your answers to 1 page.

What moral problem did James O’Toole face? How did he address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and O’Toole?

What moral problem did Brooke Deterline face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and Deterline?

What moral problem did Michelle Wolf face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and Wolf?

Regarding Kumar, what moral problems did CJ face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and CJ?

After the ultimate decision maker has heard your presentation, this person has said that it lacks thoroughness and that the organization should take more time to analyze the situation. Look back at this week’s journal entry and reflect on how you have decided to proceed. Does your decision fit the closest with that of James O’Toole, Brooke Deterline, Michelle Wolf, or C.J.? How so?


Week 13 Stand Tall: Moral Courage Yet Again Introduction and Objectives


· O’Toole, J. (2015). Speaking truth to power: A while paper. Retrieved from https://www.scu.edu/ethics/focus-areas/business-ethics/resources/speaking-truth-to- power-a-white-paper/ (read all 11 pages)

·            ·  TedXTalks. (2012). Creating ethical cultures in business: Brooke Deterline at TEDxPresidio. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wzicXbnmllc (watch all 8:23)

·            ·  Wolf, M. (2018, April 28). Complete remarks at 2018 White House correspondents'

dinner. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDbx1uArVOM (focus on 13:18 to 14:50)

·            ·  Gross, T. (2018, May 1). Comic Michelle Wolf responds to backlash: “I'm glad I stuck to my guns.” Retrieved from https://www.npr.org/2018/05/01/607262463/comic-michelle- wolf-responds-to-backlash-im-glad-i-stuck-to-my-guns (35:57)

·            ·  Sorkin, A., Willson, F., Glasser, L., Dahl, J., Attie, E. (Writers), & Graves, A. (Director).

(2001). The women of Kumar [Television series season 3, episode 9]. In A. Sorkin (Producer), West Wing. New York: NBC. Available from http://a.co/h9L48GF (watch all 43:27)

Discussion: Week 13 Decisionmaker’s Reaction

Read James O’Toole’s article, watch Brooke Deterline’s TedXTalk, review Michelle Wolf’s speech and interview, and watch the West Wing episode. Each has faced a moral problem in the workplace, taken a particular action (which can include doing nothing), and gotten a specific result.

Create a post and answer the questions below. Provide answers followed y each question, please limit your answers to 1 page.

1.      What moral problem did James O’Toole face? How did he address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and O’Toole?

2.      What moral problem did Brooke Deterline face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and Deterline?

3.      What moral problem did Michelle Wolf face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and Wolf?

4.      Regarding Kumar, what moral problems did CJ face? How did she address it? What was the result for the decisionmaker and CJ?

5.      After the ultimate decision maker has heard your presentation, this person has said that it lacks thoroughness and that the organization should take more time to analyze the situation. Look back at this week’s journal entry and reflect on how you have decided to proceed. Does your decision fit the closest with that of James O’Toole, Brooke Deterline, Michelle Wolf, or C.J.? How so?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Decisionmaker’s Reactions
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Due Date:
Decisionmaker’s Reactions
Question One
John O’Toole faces the problem of lack of confidentiality from the people he addressed in Cowles corporation. He managed it by asking the executives in the meeting to write down their opinions to read them aloud (O’Toole, 2015). The effect of the decision-makers who were the top executives was firing as they opened up to O’Toole that the meeting he held was the best one they had ever seen in the organization.
Question Two
Brooke Deterline finds her CEO engaging in unethical behavior. She called a meeting with her boss and other direct reports to discuss the issue and try to find out how to address it to the CEO (Sorkin et al., 2012). The result was that the problem was not sorted, but instead, her boss said that they should research more and give the issue more time.
Question Three
Michelle Wolf faced sexual harassment in the previous company that she worked for. According to her, she did nothing but instead opted to work in another company (Gross, 2018). The result of this is employees in that particular company remained silent even when such injustices were done to them.
Question Four
CJ objects to an airstrip in the Pers...
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