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Deciding who lives to rebuild a new Society

Essay Instructions:

A nuclear war has been declared and you are a civil defense committee member appointed by the president to make decisions on fall-out shelter occupancy. Computers have calculated that the shelter can guarantee survival for only 6 people. Your committee is to decide which 6 are to be included from the following list of 12. Therefore, 6 people will die while the remaining 6 must go on to rebuild a new society. 1.36-year-old female physician, known to be racist 2.Army drill instructor 3.African-American militant, biological researcher 4.Biochemist 5.Olympic athlete, all sports 6.Movie star 7.Third-year medical student, homosexual 8.16-year-old pregnant female 9.30-year-old Catholic priest 10.38-year-old male, “Mr. Fix-It,” served 7 years for drug offenses, has been out of jail for three months 11.22-year-old Army nurse and midwife, homosexual 12.15-year-old boy, first-year apprentice carpenter •Write an informative essay (no less than two pages in length) that states and supports your selection of 6 individuals who must go on to rebuild a new society. •Include an introductory paragraph with thesis statement. •Include body paragraphs (each with a topic sentence that states the point of the paragraph) that support the thesis through examples and details. •Include a conclusion that summarizes the main points of the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Deciding who lives to rebuild a new SocietyNameInstitution
Deciding who lives to rebuild a new Society
A human society is defined as a group of people with strong interpersonal relationships, sharing the same social or geographical territory. They are subject to the same dominant cultural expectations and political authority. Human societies have one thing in common; they are all characterized by social relationships between people sharing distinctive institutions and culture. Consequently, a society might be described as the summation of all such relationships among members. This means that the existence of a society thrives on well established, good interpersonal relationships, distinctive institutions and culture.
Incase a nuclear war is declared and the president appoints me to be a civil defense committee member, mandated to make decisions on fall-out shelter occupancy to accommodate 6 out of 12 people to rebuild a new generation, I will consider the individual attributes and contributions that the chosen people will offer to the new society. According to statistic provided by computers, the shelter can only guarantee survival for only 6 people, while the other remaining 6 perish. The list of the 12 people comprise of a 36-year-old female physician- known to be racist, an Army drill instructor, an African-American militant, biological researcher, Biochemist, an Olympic athlete- all sports, a movie star, a 30-year old medical student, homosexual, 16-year-old pregnant female, 30-year-old Catholic priest, 38-year-old male, "Mr. Fix-It," served 7 years for drug offenses, has been out of jail for three months, 22-year-old Army nurse and midwife, homosexual, and 15-year-old boy, first-year apprentice carpenter.
As indicated earlier, a society is made u...
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