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RESEARCH METHODS ARE GODLY Name: Course: Professor Name: (November 20, 2012) Research methods are Godly Thread that others reply to The research methods help to give out a clear picture on some scriptures in the Bible. The first reply was based in the book of Exodus 31:1-11, where research methods gave out explanations on how God placed certain talents, abilities and skills within human beings with a purpose. As a result, in the first reply it was indicated that research methods are godly because, God decided to offer human being with the capability to carry out investigation, as well as, research on the theories in a manner that gives full honor to him. The first reply went ahead clarifying on how research methods are godly in the book of Mathew 5:12-16. In this scripture, human beings were reminded that the light of Christ will continue shinning no matter the profession that human being attempts to make or discover. This statement implied that human being should be conducting themselves in a manner that exemplifies God at all the time they participate in their professional. Additionally, the scripture was classified as godly when people`s motivation was to love their neighbor and all the mankind, as it was elaborated in the book of Mathew 22:34-40. In the other hand, when research is carried out in a most a propriety way, all creatures will benefit from it. The book went ahead informing as that when human being loves one another, this shows that each people prays for each other to prosper in their life. The book also explained that carrying out research in a way that pleases God, helps human being to gain more knowledge which assists in advancing psychotherapy and medicine services. The book of Ephesians 4:16 as well gave out an emphasis on researching methods appearing as godly. The scripture in this book educates peoples that the body of Christ was designed to give out some significant that advances the body as whole. This implied that God had an aim and plan for all believers (The Holy Bible, 2001). First Peer Response This brief is exactly true as God gives the knowledge and skills to individuals to discover things. His purpose for making people discover is that they can live fulfilling li...
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