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Analysis of Adichie’s Single Story

Essay Instructions:

Your assignment is to write a reflection on Adichie’s TED talk that includes the

following tasks or actions. You can do these in any sequence, as long as your structure

reflects a “suitable plan.” Your paper should be 3 - 5 pages long, in 12 pt. Times Roman

font, double-spaced.

a) Include a summary that explains what Adichie means by a “single story.”

b) Identify and then describe an occasion when you were the subject (or you thought

you were the subject) of a “single story” about you personally or a group you’re a part of.

c) Identify and describe an opposite occasion -- one when you had a

misunderstanding based on a “single story” about another person or group.

d) Incorporate three short, well-chosen quotations from Adichie.

e) Add into the mix some information pertinent to your paper that you draw from

written source(s). Only you can decide what sort of information this will be, because

everyone’s paper will be different. Cite this information.

f) What importance might Adichie’s notion of a “single story” have for writers?

g) What do you think Adichie means when she concludes with the following thought:

“When we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never

a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Adichie’s Single Story
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Whether we are aware or not, stories influence our thoughts and perceptions of other peoples’ lives. In other words, what comes in our minds is largely depended on the external environment around us. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gives her experience regarding “the single story.” She says that it is a narrative that contains only one repeated perspective. She, however, asserts that the danger of the single story is that it can lead to stereotype-based perspectives. Thus, cultural awareness is important in understanding the lives of different people and the world at large. Basically, Adichie uses her own experience to portray how the whites view the Africans. She argues that people risk a critical misunderstanding if they only listen to a single story of a person or country. Thus, excluding cultural influence and converging our thoughts on a single story distorts our perceptions about other people, something Adichie warns to be dangerous.
Fundamentally, what Adichie means by a single story is that sometimes we limit our thoughts and beliefs on stereotypes to be true. A single story basically means that people have generalized opinions and perceptions. For instance, Africa is regarded as one country and all Africans are expected to be undergoing almost similar challenges like poverty. A case is presented whereby Jay is the only black in his classroom. Regardless of his background, coming from Africa automatically qualifies him to be a representative of the entire African race. He gets surprised when his teacher talks about the food crisis in Africa since he had never gone without food. This surprises his teacher because he did not expect it from Africans. Coming from Africa, Adichie explains her experience in the United States. She presents the astonishments of the stereotypes she receives from her roommate who even thinks that she did not know how to use a stove simply because she was an African. Her professor proves her wrong and says that her story is not “authentically African.” Truly, the whites have misguided beliefs, images, and perceptions regarding Africans and their identity. The “Single story” therefore, creates stereotypes, which are untrue and incomplete. Adichie explains how people in the United States had negative stereotypes toward...
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