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Current Attitudes Towards The Elderly

Essay Instructions:

What are current attitudes toward the elderly. How are elderly presented in the media? What are common stereotypes? (For example personality characteristics, skills like driving etc.). Identify five characteristics and compare the social attitude to factual information you can find. What does this say about the role of the elderly in a given society? How does this view compare to the political influence of the elderly?

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Current Attitudes Towards The Elderly
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While attaining old age should be positive and defining, a large percentage of the society view old people as a burden and does not like associating with them. The young generation views old age as associated with negativity and tiresome CITATION Jam13 \l 1033 (Thorson, 2013). Old age is associated with all health problems, lack of attractiveness, negative personality, low competence in performing tasks such as driving and change of behavior among others. Therefore, the society views aging as a burden and this changes the perception of the wider population towards the elderly CITATION Tod04 \l 1033 (Nelson, 2004). However, this should not be the case because everyone aspires to live long and fulfill their purpose in life. Thus, contemporary society has developed a negative perception about old people, something which has influenced some people to fear to get old. While some of the information shared about old people some of it is just but a stereotype.
One of the defining attitudes of old people is personality. Old people are considered to have age-related problems which make their health deteriorate. Also, negative social roles and stereotypes, as well as negative personality, are some of the aspects associated with old people. They are said to be socially isolated and do not like interacting with other people. Due to this, they become lonely because most people do not attend to them and let them share out their challenges. It is true that most of them have health problems due to aging. However, this does not call for the negative treatment and negative attitude they receive in return. Therefore, the society should develop a positive attitude towards the elderly because everyone aspires long life.
The media portrays old people in a positive light; however, they are underrepresented on the basis of their population. They are portrayed as having positive physical health and cognitively alert. Old age is asso...
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