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Culture and Identity: Google has Taken Away the Need to go to the Library; Facebook has Instigated the Culture ˜likes, Skype has Revolutionized Connecting

Essay Instructions:

Structure: introduction, three body points and conclusion. Also could you insert 2-3 sentence in one of them body points or in the conclusion how Facebook effects on people's( my teacher loves talk about Facebook and Ted talk and she kept using examples from there). And finally don't forget my English level, try to do something what can convince my professor believe that is my job. If you have any questions contact with me please. 
When you go to my order- additional details- you can see I'm showing there example remove that sentence please. (For example: religion, race, war OR religion, homosexuality, society) I'm scaring about writer can see that and will think she must write about that what I showed up there . 
Also i was told me that I can contact with writer through the messages
i plan to do that.
And let my writer know please: 
before start to write the essay she should give me ideas, 3 brain storm, about what she going to write, my professor want to see all students ideas, approve them and after that we can start work on essay. If writer can send me brain storms tomorrow or Friday i can post them on blackboard and wait my professor answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

1 Google has taken away the need to go to the library
2 Facebook has instigated the culture ‘likes’
3 Skype has revolutionized connecting
Cultural changes in the current society have been taking some significant shifts in the last few decades. One of the elemental changes that have taken place are with regard to the use of traditional libraries. Ideally, with advent of the internet and a search engine such as Google, research is now much easier. Most people rely on the internet for their research than they would visit the traditional libraries. There has also been significant cultural change relative to the use of social media. Facebook has instigated a culture for ‘likes’, where people rely on their popularity metrics. Advances in technology have also allowed for platform such as Skype to help people communicate.
Google has taken away the need to go to the library
It used to be that when one was conducting research for formal or informal reasons, the first place they would think of visiting would be the library. The traditional libraries were and still are a wealth of information for anyone that want to gain insight on the various topics of their study. They are still quite reliable for persons that would want to use the tradition way of gaining information. However, with the advent of technology, the reliance on the traditional libraries has largely shifted. The internet has become a wealth of information for most of the people in the 21st century as Ogunsola points out. Most of the traditional information sharing platforms such as newspapers have also been replaced by online content. Traditionally, the library was the central point where one could get all the information that they wanted, from newspapers, magazines, periodicals and books among others. Today most people rely heavily if not exclusively on the internet. Using the Google search engine, users have access to unimaginable wealth of information. According to Ogunsola, at the comfort of their homes, office or even relying at the parks or on vacation across the globe, people have the ability to access content in a library halfway across the world and the click of mouse or a tap on the their handheld devices. The element of convenience offered by the Google search engine surpasses all the conveniences that were offered by the traditional libraries. It is now easy to conduct a full research paper at the comfort of the ones study room, with speed and accuracy never possible with the traditional libraries. In the traditional libraries, as Salt points out, it was not only tedious getting the right material from the shelves but also getting through the material. It is now easier to get to the right content within a very short time. Even with online material, one can easily search the content they would want from a large volume unlike in the traditional way of reading through large volumes to extract the relevant content.
Facebook has instigated the culture ‘likes’
Over the last few years, communication has taken on a different twist with the advent of the social media. The social media such Facebook platform have made so much easier for people to interact and share information across the globe.
‘They are the first generation in human history who regard behavi...
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