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How English Can Not Translate the Beauty of Chinese Poems

Essay Instructions:

This essay is a free thesis essay.

In class we have read poems from wangwei, li Po, and Tu Fu 。

Because it is free thesis, you can write whatever you want

My personal thought would be the easier to write with the Wangwei, Li po and Tufu's poems.

Teacher has mentioned the influences of anlushan rebellion to the poet in class/

Also the relationship between Lipo and Tufu.

I hope the writer communicate with me, it is Chinese poetry with free thesis, not hard.

I think it is better to mention how english cant translate the beauty of Chinese poems.

Because the English version was translated badly....

contact me if any problem

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Foundation- Chinese Poems- Free Thesis
Cultural Foundation - Chinese Poems- Free Thesis
Several Chinese poets have explained the suffering that people went through during ‘’An Lushan Rebellion’’ where the people rejected Tang dynasty. Sorrow filled the land as the level of corruption improved, high death rates among the males, and poverty and hunger strike the land. The suffering of the people is evident in the Wangwei, Li Po, and Tu Fu poems. Therefore, the work will cover the social and political protest against the tyranny of the Tang dynasty and how the translation of Chinese poems to English is ineffective in delivering the meaning of the original poem.
Tu Fu
Tu Fu describes how the Ch’ang-an ministers came to demand taxes from the unfortunate people who only depend on agriculture as their source of income. In the poem Tu Fu, the author states that ‘’clerks are out demanding taxes. Taxes! How could they pay taxes?’’ The implication of the statement is that even those with low income were forced to pay large amounts of taxes. Further, the poet postulates that instead of the area chiefs resisting the act, they gave the ministers gifts as a sign of appreciation to avoid the harsh punishment that could be enforced on the villagers. Further, he explains that male adults were forced to go to war where most of them died, leaving their children orphans and their wives widows. The author gives an instance of a woman who had three sons who were taken to be guarded, but ended up in the war and died. The woman is tormented by the memories of her children as she faces difficulty in providing for her grandchildren that were left as orphans.
Tu Fu describes that irrespective of the good harvest that the people sometimes experience, children still died of hunger. The children were left with the elderly who were unable to support them after the death of their parents. The elderly worked on wheat farms with harsh conditions prone to deadly diseases (Liu & Lo, 1975). The poet gives an example of an old man who had the responsibility of providing to his grandchildren after their parents died in the war. Unfortunately, the simple man fell sick and started suffering since he could not afford the drugs. The instance shows how the government oppressed the unfortunate people in the community which is a sign of social injustice. The unfortunate could not even afford drugs during the regime.
Also, the author explains that the village was full of sorrow with cries everywhere. Everybody complained about the system of the government, but there was nothing they could do. Nobody complained and any attempt to do so could result in death. Therefore, most people sang songs of sorrow to soothe their pain, hoping that the government could hear their plea. The poet describes that seasons come and go, but everything remained the same; everyday sorrow could be experienced in every part of the village.
Li Po
Li Po ironically describes the regime. He states that the valley is tranquil, but the wildness of the natural world interferes with the calmness of the landscape. All the same, he describes how people suffer from cold Winter and Spring but when Autumn arrives people expect life from death as they hope the season may bring good to the land. In Autumn, the cold ice melts and butterflies start to appear everywhere and trees start to lose their leaves. But ironically, the Autumn season changes the weather to unbearably hot (Xie, 1999). The wildness of the natural world is revealed in the kind of life that a man described in the poem lived. The poet describes that the man was a whimsical traveler who loved viewing the beauty of nature as he drinks wine. However, he decided to act so because of the gleeful contempt for authority and decorum of the government. The government made the world wild that those who lived in it hoped that they could die and start a new life in heaven where there is peace.
The poet explains that though the landscape seems peaceful, ironically, it brings suffering, poverty, and trouble to those who live in the valley. Hence, the man resorts to drinking alcohol at night under the beauty of the ...
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