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Social Media Campaign Strategy for Raising Funds for a Charity Organization

Essay Instructions:

Due on 27th nov detroit time

Influencer to be used in this assignemnet is Rezz. and Charity to be used is WEcharity

Rezz, born March 28, 1995; from Ukraine, is our influencer for her ability to control the crowd! #WEcharity2k18

We are looking to raise $1 million through posts on twitter & instgram with Rezz #WEcharity2k18


In this assignment you will be creating a social media strategy for a Canadian not-for-profit agency that reflects your learning from this course. You will be required to set goals, identify tools, suggest a campaign, and identify relevant metrics to gauge the success of your strategy. As one of the tactics for your strategy, you will be required to link the activity of your selected influencer to the not-for-profit.

You will need to format your paper using APA formatting guidelines and include a title page and reference list. For each of the sections of your strategy, you should use an appropriate heading.

Approach and Instructions:

Strategy & Impact Engagement

You have now had a chance to explore how social/mobile impact can assist companies and organizations in limited snapshots of focused topics throughout the semester. You have learned about the principles of being a social business in your readings and critically analyzed a vast array of tools that you could use to accomplish established goals.

You will be preparing an analysis and strategy brief for a Canadian not-for-profit company that also includes introducing an appropriate Canadian social media influencer of your choosing to help amplify your reach.

The influencer MUST be credible in their ability to grow your organization’s reach, whether that be through their power of celebrity or subject matter expertise.

You will be required to identify an overall strategy for your organization and highlight at least one instance where there will be a significant "call to action" to engage your followers.

For full instructions, please refer to the attached .pdf.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Campaign Strategy for Raising Funds for a Charity Organization
Tutor’s Name
Social Media Campaign Strategy
Charity groups, in recent days, have been on the rise. Many individuals and organizations seem to have stomached the idea having charity groups given helping the misfortune. One such charitable organization is the WECharity, which is based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The group focuses on international charity and education partnering. For the success of such groups, there is a need for funds hence the necessity to raise money. With many social media platforms, there is a need to have a media influencer, in this case being Rezz, born Isabelle Rezazabeh. WE Charity will need to raise $1 million through social media to run the organization. The paper seeks to address the various social media strategies that will be used by WECharity organization to raise funds for its activities.
Rezz is a much known DJ and producer in Canada. The talented DJ cum producer was born in Ukraine to Persian-Ukrainian parents. She then moved to Canada as a child where she developed an interest in music. Her breakthrough came in 2015 when she made her debut EP, insurrection. From producing music from her laptop to an acclaimed DJ and music producer, Rezz is the media influencer WECharity has chosen to use in its efforts of raising funds for the organization. WECharity has much trust in her that she is going to make the #WECharity2k18 campaign a very big success thanks to her ability to move crowds. Being a DJ has also given her an upfront since the career has built in her the ability interact with people and bring them to her feet. With over 150,000 followers on Twitter and a whopping over 380,000 following on Instagram, the organization has faith in Rezz that she will be able to reach to as many people as possible. This ensures that the money projected is harnessed.
The media channels to be followed are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (Singer and Brooking, 2018). Of all the social media channels, the chosen three are the commonly used platforms with people of all walks. Facebook is usually cheap regarding data and availability and compatibility with different gadgets. A report from social media marketers shows that Facebook is very effective in online marketing. As seen, 49% of online marketers agree that indeed Facebook is effective, hence showing that if Rezz applied the strategy, the message is going to be well broadcasted (Industry Report, 2018). Another important thing is that Facebook is open to people of all walks and ages, hence every person will be able to access the information as intended.
One of the aspects about Twitter is that it majorly belongs to the top cream of the society hence the possibility of getting the funds easily. This is very key in also broadcasting the message. Twitter is known for sharing information, branding, interaction, networking, reputation management, among others. This is fundamental in marketing strategies since they provide a platform for sharing the message. Rezz has a whooping following of 150k plus on twitter, hence ensuring proper reachability of the campaign. She will be able to upload videos, send messages and keep the Hashtag as lively as possible. Twitter, being a worldwide online platform, will garner the attention of people from Canada and our borders.
The main reason for choosing Instagram is the ability to broadcast pictures and video to an open audience. Instagram is mobile friendly, easy to navigate and allows subscribers to get a large following quickly. Instagram aids in reaching customers at a go, make oneself visible with the use of hashtags, market yourself in a new way and aids in conducting market research. One also can promote their brand to younger demographic and solicit user-generated content. Another good feature is that one can a short video hence enhance marketing. All these are key in the campaign.
The three channels are easy to gather feedback from. The above highlighted are the main reasons for choosing the three channels to broadcast the message. Other channels are also good as well, but some like YouTube need many data to access hence some potential participators can be disadvantaged. Regarding compatibility with gadgets, Facebook runs across all Android phones of all makes, dial, and smartphones. That ensures accessibility.
Furthermore, the other channels are not as commonplace as the chosen three. The other platforms also do not have following defined so it may hard to know the selling of the brand has the task of reaching people from
Facebook has the role of reaching out to the demography and ensure that everyone is acquainted with the campaign message (Industry Report, 2018). This is done by ensuring that there is a page talking about the oncoming campaign. The page also needs to explain how the money is to be collected for the oncoming project. Twitter shows the message. This works to keep the Hashtag alive all through. The influencer has the job of ensuring the Twitter handle is never dormant. As is known by its prime role, Instagram will showcase all pictures about the campaign. The pictures include what the organization deals with, the number of people it has helped. Short clips are also to be shared to ensure the handle is not dormant. It is of importance to note that the three channels keep recurring the amount to be raised and how it is going to be spent.
Having chosen the broadcast media, it is important to come up with the campaign strategy (Quesenberry, 2019). As already seen, the campaign Hashtag has been created; #WECharity2k18. In every posting of the matter, individuals are required to tag it. The media influencer, Rezz, has the responsibility of keeping the online pages active, with posting like after every two hours so as people know that the campaign is real. She also ought to advise her followers to share the links all over the world for much more success. Due to its success and integration to Twitter, Tweetdeck is the most appropriate tool for broadcasting the message. The main message to be shared is about collecting the $1 million to help the unfortunate and partner in education. Rezz also has the responsibility of ensuring that the modes for the collection of the money are clearly stated and the projected amount shown. The message should encompass how the money is to be used t...
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