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Critiquing Internet Sources

Essay Instructions:
Instructions Attached Week 2 assignment Critiquing Internet Sources. Today, the Internet provides an unprecedented amount of information by way of blogs, videos, and podcasts. Conduct a critique of one blog, one video, and one podcast, which provide information that addresses the topic of your Final Research Paper (Obesity) Assess the authors' use of bias, validity, and applicability of information. Examine the influence of web-based information on global citizenship and multicultural understanding. Then, compile a list of three factors you believe should be considered when evaluating Internet sources for use in researching information. The paper must be three pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. In addition to the three multimedia sources you are analyzing, support your points with at least two scholarly sources. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.
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Critiquing Internet Sources
In the current times, the internet sources have increasingly provided many people a lot of information from podcasts, the blogs and videos. However, some information posted in the internet can prove to be unreliable. This is because any person in theory is capable of publishing on the Web. It is very important to evaluate the accuracy of the information transmitted through the internet sources (Hoffman, 2009). Find herein an assessment from blog, video and podcast. The assessment entails the author’s use of bias, validity and applicability on an article about Obesity and examination of influence on web-based information on global citizenship and multicultural understanding. Inclusive also, is a list of three factors that a person should consider when doing internet sources evaluation, for use of information research.
On the blog on obesity titled, ‘Avoid the self-fulfilling fats prophesy,’ the article contains biasness in the sense that there is self-discrimination on weight and size (Marlow, 2009). The blog states that if individuals have normal weight but they view themselves as overweight, which is exactly what happens to them. Moreover, if an individual is in a fitting room and other people comment about their own predicament of being overweight, this individual may tend to think that the comment directs to them. This article brings an implication that being a fat or an overweight person is a predicament. Yet, there are fat and healthy people who work on their fitness. The validity of the article on the blog is the fact that the author has sourced some information from the researchers (Marlow, 2009).
The blog indicates that the researchers performed a survey on teenagers who were normal weight. The research was to find out if these teenagers were feeling overweight or not. The researchers later did a follow up on ten of the teenagers who had commented they were overweight. The results of the findings were that the all the ten teenagers were overweight as young adults. The applicability of this information is that individuals ought to be positive minded about their size. If they are normal weight, it is not advisable to predict what they do not wish for in future. It also advises people to erase self-fulfilling fats prophecy.
An obesity video titled, ‘the national geographic’ the man’s overweight appearance causes so much attention. This goes to an extent of offering public speech to the students in order to caution them and share his cause of obesity. He is the center of attraction and every place he goes people turn to look at him. The man already feels unfit considering the speech he gives on the video. He points out what he eats and ...
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