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Critique of romantic comedies and romantic movies

Essay Instructions:
ENG_101_23 (ENG_101_C23) - Research and Composition critique of romantic comedy >romantic movies as a reflection of our culture > feminist, anti - feminist >romantic movies : what messages are they sending * a common idea " a woman's life isn't really complete,even if she is a successful businesswoman ect., ,and all her problems wont be solved until, she falls in love and gets married." Ect. > finally a look at the bechdel test SOURCES: Your final paper must utilize at least five sources, and instead of the normal Works Cited, you will use an **Annotated Bibliography**. You will be allowed one Internet source, and at least one scholarly /academic source is required.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Movies and Culture Name: Institution: Thesis Statement Majority of the romantic movies are a reflection of our culture, as they directly or indirectly infer about love within the society. Synopsis Released in the month of June 2009, the proposal is one the best American romantic movies that ever graced the screens. It features Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds as the main characters in the movie, in which Anne Fletcher was the director of the story by Peter Chiarelli. The support roles in the movie were taken by Mary Steenburgen, Craig Nelson and Betty White. The movie starts off by showing how successful Margret Tate (Sandra bullock) was having been a chief editor of one of the publishing company. She was tough as is always the case with most of the boss ladies who have made it. Her employees hated her given that she was an invincible boss and career minded. Although she was not the stereotyped boss lady that most of the other movies try to sell, she had her share of strictness and focus on the job that she never had the time to meet any man. Andrew Paxton had been the assistant to Tate at the publishing company. It happened, one morning she was informed of the fact that she would be deported to her motherland, Canada. Quickly she retorted by saying that she is engaged to the assistant, who was not even aware of the arrangement. When Andrew is informed of the plans by her boss, he agrees on condition that she promotes him and has his book manuscripts published into a book. She had been very hard on him before this time, but the tables turn and it is Andrews turn to make the demands. By marrying the assistant who is a native, she would have the chance of beating the immigration office directive (Donahue, 2012). After they have both made their blackmail demands clear they fly off to Sitka in Alaska, where the two go to meet Andrew’s parents. This is in a bid to make sure that they appear as legit as possible to the immigration office.It is also convenient for Andrew as he had planned to go home and visit his 90 year old grandmother and therefore takes this chance to bring Tate home. It turns out that Andrew’s parents are very rich as most of the businesses in that town are owned by the family, not forgetting that they live in a Manson other than cabins that Tate had come to expect, given that it is in the rural areas of Alaska. Andrew’s father is not happy with him, as he feels that he is using the union with the boss to get ahead in his career while Tate is using the son to avoid deportation. Andrew’s grandmother who comes out as loud but is also kind, and shows Tate that she is welcome. After the fall out with his father, Andrew is asked by Tate about the relationship that they had with him, but hedeclines to explain. However Tate finds it easy to open up to Andrew about her life. The following day Tate is still disturbed by the sight of Andrew’s family closeness. She had never had a chance to be ain a family that is so close to each other and thus takes off with Andrew on a boat, to clear her mind. On the wedding day Tate, tells of the predicaments that led to the rushed marriage. This does not end well with the Paxtons and she is given twenty four hours to leave for Canada. She gathers her things and leaves for New York, leaving a note about the manuscripts informing Andrew that she wished him well and promising to publish the book. Andrew heads off to New York to find her and ends up telling her about his love for her in front of the entire office staff. Cultural reflections Much like in the movies, our culture also has elements that are aired on screens. Ideas that are engraved in the movies borrow most of the elements from the cultures that the society abides with. As such, it is not unusual to see imagery that relates to the beliefs and practices that the people in a given society have, brought out in the movies and other forms of art. Most of the women that have made it in the society are single, which is at the global scale. Career women spend all their time and energies trying to reach their goals as far as careers are concerned while leaving out the most fundamental aspects of life, such as love and romance. There is also the aspect of how men intrinsically look for their soul mates. In more cases than not most of the women that have had a successful career tend to exude manly characteristics which puts the men off, considering that they are looking for the feminine characteristics in the females partners. A man will not go out looking for a lady that exudes the same characteristics as he does, as they feel they will not be compatible. Women that have the feminine energy are attractive to the men as they exude characteristics such as; nurturing, subtle, gentle, sensitive, caring, humbled and self-reliant among others along that perspective. While most of the women in the society may want to believe that the men are intimidated by the women who are successful, this is wrong. The selection of a mate in any man is determined by the characteristics of the women that they seek. A man cannot seek to marry a woman that has qualities that do not complement his masculine qualities. Much like any woman looking to marry will not look for a man that has a feminine character. These are the general rules of relationships that lead to marriage. The general misconception that men are intimidated relates to the fact that the women are earning in the range of six figures. In reality men that are genuine about getting a life partner who will bear him children does not care about how much money the woman makes as far as the right qualities supporting the general rules of engagement are present. Love and romance are aspects that are meant to be shared between persons that are passionate about one another in a passionate manner. As women focus on the need to be stable in their career and gain success, they feel that any kind of distraction including men will tie them down. There is also the notion that they will wait for the right person to come along and marry them. Given the fact that they have higher social classes this also defines high stakes in the selection of a mate. Some even end up following the common clichés of tall, handsome and successful. In the end they are left out and have to grab on to any of the chance that comes along as they are growing old and all the things about work and career that meant everything to them do not make any more sense (Anderson, 2010). Common Aspects of Love The Proposal, is a good example that exemplifies the idea of love between men and women. This is a cultural corner stone of every society and is the reason why there exists lots of material that are records of the same. Recent debates have sort to disavow the fact that the society at large gives love the physical form of man and a woman. While there are a few movies that have been released with the theme of same sex type of love, majority of the material that exists relates to the idea of man and women falling in love. This is an idea that exudes completeness of any person. As one of the innate character of any human being, they want to feel loved and wanted. Finding love is one of the aspects about the human life that brings happiness and accomplishment more than any other spheres of life such as career development. This would e...
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