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Critical Analysis

Essay Instructions:
i scan all the pages and all the instructions it in there . this essay assignment for this unit counts toward 20 per cent of your final mark for the course. if you have any question
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Teenagers and Suicidal Depression Name: Institution: The article on teenage depression and the rate of suicide is quite informing. Teenage depression is a topic that has been around for quite some time now and most of the research that is available on the same tends to leans too much on the hormonal boom that they experience at this age (Hysenbegasi, Hass & Rowland, 2005). This article is very well researched and clearly elaborates the influence that depression has on teenagers relating to suicide. There is a direct link between teenage depression and suicide which resonates with the author’s thesis. This article brings the idea of the increased deaths at teenage linking it to the aspects of depression. The author is right about the effects that this depression has on the academics of the teenagers as well as the relationships that they have within their families and society in general. According to a journal article written by Hysenbegasi, Hass& Rowland and published on the journal of mental health policy and economics, depression and performance are direct parallels. In the case of students whose performance can be directly linked to the class performance, the report says that, students that were found to have high depression rates were also found to have low GPA scores (Hysenbegasi et al , . 2005). Students that that were treated during the study showed increased academic performance as a positive indication that depression caused sloppy grades. The article also state correctly that in most of the cases that have been reported where teenagers attempted to commit suicide, girls had the highest numbers and although not as many bys attempted to commit suicide, they had a higher success rate. This is mostly linked to the fact that most of these kids are under pressure from the social setting in the country where most of them want to be seen by their peers as the ‘cool teens’. The disparity in the success rate can be associated with the way girls reach out before they can commit, while the...
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