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Critical Thinking and Reflection

Essay Instructions:

I have added instructions please answer all three questions in details please. I have given you start tell you a little about my self and my heors who were in my life. Doris Williams



This paper is made up of three parts, each part to be a minimum of 2 full pages in length, for a total of 6 full pages minimum. The paper must be typewritten, font size 12, double spaced, with one inch margins. Label each of the three parts (& sub-categories in each part) and begin each part on a new page. Your grade will be based on quality of writing as well as content. Correct sentence structure, grammar, spelling is expected, and papers should be carefully proofread. Be cautious when relying only upon "spell check" to catch errors. The paper is to be electronically directed to the Springboard Dropbox by 5:00pm. Any papers that are not deposited in the Dropbox by 5:00pm are late, which will prevent the student (s) from receiving the highest grade possible.

Note: Regarding your content- the material should reveal detailed thinking through of ideas, synthesizing them, and then presenting them in a persuasive and coherent form. Material should reflect a creative and critical analysis of the content. I also expect you to deal with "all" aspects of the assignment completely and fully. The idea is to engage in calm, relaxed, deep thought and reflection as a foundation to what you write.

tOnë: Most social workers view their profession as a moral enterprise. Most are also confronted with a diversity of values and moral pluralism in the profession. In this section, you should write about the following:

A)    Who_orwhat have been the five most important influences^ your understanding of right and wrong?

B)    Name three things that you most value and why.

C)    State the most important guidelines for living a morally good life and try to identify where ynnr iripas about this originated.

D)    Who are your heroes?

E)    Why are they your heroes?

F)    Identify their virtues and why you think they are important in the realization of a rich and full life.

G) Identify a "societal value" that has special significance to you, and briefly explain why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Thinking and Reflection
Part one
“Social work as a moral enterprise”
Our way of living is influenced by people living around us: The decisions and choices we make every day are influenced in one way or the other by those living around us. However, there are always those we regard as the most influential persons in our lives. My life is no different. These are people who we are most connected to or learn most from their advices, opinions, and experiences. My grandmother and grandfather taught me so much about God and contributed a lot for my spiritual growth. Grandfather was a pastor and always inspired us through the word of God, grandmother on the other hand always kept us in church always tried to show us that the way of the lord is the right way. My mother was the oldest of ten children; she only had sixth grade education. She always reminded us that she was our only true friend. During my time in prison, Pastor Johnson always came to see and encourage me. This motivated me every day of my life there and made me patient and hopeful that one day I will be free. Sister Washington always showed me that I was someone special and destined to greatness; she even told me that I was my mother's special child. My father was one inspiring person; he could always tell me that in life I can be all that I wish to be if only I worked towards my dreams with dedication and motivation. Lastly, my late elder sister always said I was the brightest person she ever knew. This gave me courage and motivation to move on. In life, there are things and goals which appear unattainable, but they are only so depending on the perspective upon which one looks up to such things. People around you can change your perspective on certain things and life in general. Change of perspective changes the way one thinks and sees things and can be a turning point towards positive living. God, my family and listening to my conscience are three things I value most in my life. It is only because of God that I have come this far, my family have shaped my life to a great extent with my conscience being one of my guiding factors. The way of life is influenced by the values and perceptions one hold towards life. Faith in God and the recognition of a supreme being who is mighty and whose power supersedes any other powers is very important. There are always heroes and heroines in one's life. My two sisters Qla and Washington, my mother and Pastor Johnson are my heroines and hero. They kept encouraging me when I was locked up. These most important people in my life made me develop a positive perspective towards my life. I regard my heroes as people with great respect for others, kind and who exercise self-control. These are virtues most important for moral living. With respect and kindness, one can live in harmony with others and get accepted in whatever society. Self- controls helps one deal with daily challenges of life and approach them with caution. Courage is one societal value I regard with great importance. When I was in high school, it was through the courage I held that I was able to win in a competition I entered. I went ahead and won a scholarship to a designer school but could not join the designer school for other reasons. Courage gives people the power to face certain occasions and issues in their in a bold way. Courage even gives people innovative minds and power to do things which otherwise appear so hard.
Part two
“Social worker and clients' professional relationships”
Social workers face so many situations in their career. Some situations may appear so common while others may look extra ordinary requiring a social worker to exhibit his/her learned values with great caution. Some situations are so emotional and tempting that a social worker may find it very difficult to act objectively. Social workers also interact with clients of varying diversities, people of divergent beliefs, faith and ideologies. It is the duty and responsibility of s social worker to approach all these situations with caution and exercise maximum professionalism. As a social worker one feel more or less comfortable when interacting with a client depending on the knowledge one holds regarding the issue in question. Ability to approach an issue objectively without attaching hard personal feelings is also very vital for a social worker. As a social worker, I believe I would feel least comfortable dealing with persons who perpetrate: child sexual abuse, domestic violence, rape, and racial hatred. I believe these are vices which are developed slowly by people, especially, who have little respect for human life; people who don't value the life of others and believe they can do anything regardless of the harm it causes to others to satisfy their own pleasures. I have always held a view that strict measures should be taken against those who perpetrate children sexual abuse, a belief I feel might affect my relationship with clients of that nature due to my hard attached personal views and beliefs. Children especially are taken advantage of and mistreated due to their innocence and defenseless nature. This is a vice which should be condoned at whatever expense and pe...
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