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Creating a Moral Compass

Essay Instructions:

PHIL200 I006 Spring 2021


Using the material on moral compasses from weeks 1 and 2, write a paper of no less than 500 words that accomplishes the following:

In a section titled "Theories" identify the 1-4 moral theories you will use to build your compass (deontological, utilitarian, common good, virtue, etc.) along with a short documented definition for each theory. ["documented" in the sense of citing and referencing your source.]

In a section titled "Explanation" explain for each theory how it would help you make what you feel would be the right decision and in what situations (ex. Using deontology at work to ensure the company’s policies are kept and its reputation is upheld; Using care ethics at home as a way to be equitable with the kids, etc.).

Chose one topic from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (under “Ethics Spotlight” ) or another pressing ethical situation you or others you know are facing at the moment and using ether Framework for Ethical Decision Making (Markkula or Brown), walk through the steps to make an ethical decision and justify what you decide is the moral action to take in this situation. Be sure to be clear on which of the two frameworks you are using.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Moral Theories
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Various theories can be used to build a moral compass. One of them is utilitarianism. This theory suggests that the most ethical decision is to produce the greatest good for the most significant population (University, n.d.). The second theory is the common good. This theory was coined by John Rawls that was used to describe certain general conditions that can be of advantage to everyone. The institutions work hand in hand to benefit the people. The philosophy of virtue ethics surmises that individuals acquire virtue through practice. Deontology suggests that actions are either bad or good based on a specific set of rules (University, n.d.).
The above theories can be used in certain situations to establish the right decision. For instance, the utilitarianism theory is best applied in war. If a country is under significant threat from an invading nation, the best option would be military action regardless of the casualties. A few lives might be lost, but not the entire population. The standard good theory can be applied in an affordable and accessible health care system. The people require it; therefore, it would be in the best interests of the government. Virtue ethics applies in the world of crime. A police officer can have an opportunity to kill a violent criminal. Killing the suspect could save many lives. However, it would be wrong to do so. Deontology is evident in business practices. One must follow specific rules in business to determine right from wrong, such as reporting fiscal malpractice to the relevant authorities.
The topic chosen from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics is Systemic Racism, Police Brutality, and The Killing of George Floyd (University, n.d.). More specifically in this topic is systemic racism, which has become a mainstay issue for the general public for a long time. The dimensions to be discussed in this topic include the categorical methods in which systemic racism applies to all aspects of ...
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