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The Covid-19 Pandemic and Asian Racism in the United States: Research

Essay Instructions:

* Using the preliminary work done in your research journals, write a project proposal for your TA’s and lecturer’s approval. Your proposal must contain the sections below, with headings to label each one. While your audience is your instructors who are familiar with the course, you should still be sure to thoroughly and clearly explain your research process and project.


* Introduction of Research Question + Audience Analysis (aim for roughly 300 words): Open this section with a revised version of the research question you submitted in Week 4. Devote the rest of this section to explaining why this question is significant, by answering the following questions:

* How will this research question help you address an issue that needs to be considered, especially as society rebuilds post-pandemic? How will this question help you come up with a particular action/solution/intervention to take with your peers to address this issue when we all return to campus?

* How will this research question help you get the information you’ll need to pose an effective call to action to your peers? In other words, how will answering this research question help you get your peers to join you? What common knowledge, values, or ideological frameworks will it help you establish with your peers?


* Research Plan (aim for roughly 300 words): This section will explain your plan for answering your research question.

* Identify what you don’t know yet. Answer these questions: What are the gaps in your knowledge, and how will you fill those gaps? Which of the following will you do to fill those gaps: more library research, experimentation, participatory observation at a synchronous UCSD source, or some other research activities?

* Propose a detailed timeline for yourself for the last five weeks of the quarter so that you can complete the research project by its due date. What will you complete, and by when? You must note in this timeline what synchronous UCSD source you are planning to attend before the week 8 deadline to submit your annotated bibliographic entry for this specific source.



* Annotated Bibliography (aim for roughly 500 words): For the last section of your proposal, include two annotated bibliographic entries (about 250 words per source), in APA format, to show the research you have done thus far. One entry should be for any DOC course text (assigned or suggested from any quarter) that helps you answer your research question. The remaining entry should be for an outside source you have found through library database searches. Remember to consult our library guide on how to structure annotated bibliographic entries (https://ucsd(dot)libguides(dot)com/DOC3/annotatedbib). Each annotation should include a critical summary of the source’s argument (in your own words), an evaluation of the usefulness of the source in helping you answer your research question, and a description of how you plan to utilize the source in your final research project.

* NOTE ON SOURCE USE IN THE PROPOSAL: You may reference sources in your project proposal that are not included in your annotated bibliography as long as you fully utilize APA citation requirements and list the sources on a separate References page at the end of your proposal.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Covid-19 Pandemic and Asian Racism in the United States
Your Name
Year and Department
Professor’s Name
As pandemic last for over a year people starts to get furious because they cannot do the things they usually do, they became tired of it and eventually blame Asians for the spread of the virus. Why do people blame Asians for the spread of the Covid 19 virus? When not all Asians came from China. This racial prejudice that is happening recently and currently is putting the lives of all Asians living in foreign country in danger, they have to live everyday with fear of being harassed at public places. This issue is must take seriously because safety of the many is at hand. Actions must be done to eliminate the Asian racism.
I’m proposing the in the aim of solving this problem, disciplinary actions and encouragement are needed to counter this racism, because racism is unique in every individual and purely depends on how they see things. As our society slowly recover from the effects of COVID 19, racism from Asian’s individual may remain and may never go away. With this research included questions researchers can pin down the main reason why Asian racism is present today.
Especially in the school campus where different culture and race interact with each other, this racism may be occurred within the school ground. Campus is place for discussion and studying where student’s is thought how to be a better citizen for the society. And also, university campuses are full of peer groups that usually share the same interest, groups can be a mixed of different race or just one race CITATION Gov201 \l 1033 (Gover, Harper, & Langton, 2020). An individual should educate himself of herself to not blame Asians for the pandemic and spread it to those people that surround him or her. Because it is a general knowledge that the virus a zoonotic which means it came from an animal then it is transferred to human.
Research Plan
First task to be done is knowing their perspective when it comes to Asian people or how they think Asians are the one to blame when it comes to the spread of the virus. I already know that the main factor of Asian racism is the ongoing pandemic, people might be done with the quarantine and all the restriction of the ongoing pandemic and blame Asians for it. Or it could also be a revenge for the racism of Asian in black community CITATION Noe20 \l 1033 (Noel, 2020). With that aside we could never know at least we get the specific reasons to racism. But the gaps I want to fill is that why are they blaming Asians even though it is reported to be cause by an animal? In order to fill these gaps, I dec...
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