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Corporate Culture

Essay Instructions:
This essay is direct towards a booking and management company. 1.Look at the barriers and opportunities of the current culture of the company vs. what changes in culture may derail the execution of your strategic plan. ■ Culture Analysis 2.Then write a first draft of your strategies (how to reach your goals and objectives), and tactics (how your strategies will be implemented). - Developing Strategies - Developing Tactics Now that you have developed your goals and objectives, your next step is to develop the “how to” -- your strategies. It is through the implementation of your strategies that your goals will become reality. Strategies identify what will happen and who is responsible for making them happen. The decisions made for the implementation may be made by managers or supervisors, up and down the organization. Each functional area of the company will take part in the implementation of strategies. Marketing and sales may be in charge of expanding sales and sales territories. Human resources may be in charge of implementing a “balanced scorecard” process to achieve bottom line increases. R & D on the other hand may be the group that takes charge of technology implementation. Strategies can determine company growth, new innovations, increased revenue, and even the amount of risk will be needed to achieve the goals. Those who become involved in the implementation process of the strategies may need to understand the risk factors – for them (their jobs) and the company. Remember that not everyone is comfortable with risk-taking – and thus the wrong strategies with the wrong individuals may become a barrier to success. The status-quo will, if allowed, remain the norm. In planning your strategies, it is important to think about “managing the risk.” Perhaps before the strategy is implemented you may want to talk with your customers and employees for feedback. Another approach would be to develop a contingency plan in case one is needed. Either way, thinking through a back-up plan to implementation of strategies is often a cost-savings action, allowing the company to make adjustments quickly. It will be easiest to take one goal at a time, and one objective, to develop a strategy to support the action needed. In some instances, the proposed strategy will support multiple objectives. Here is an example of strategy development: Goal: Enhance the financial status of the organization. Objective: Reduce operating debt to $4.5M by 12/31/06; $3.5M by 12/31/07; and $2.5M by 12/31/08. Strategies: Implement lean management principles to identify “waste” in current spending. Implement a job analysis study to identify duplication of efforts and succession planning to reduce costs in human resources. Culture Analysis This worksheet is designed to help you identify barriers and opportunities of the current culture of the company which you are using for your class project. Are there elements of the current culture that could derail the execution of your new strategic plan? Several examples are provided below. Replace them with the opportunities and barriers you identify for your own company. Current Cultural Context Opportunity or Barrier for New Plan Attitudes toward clients do not match with actions toward employees. Barrier: Employees, because they are not treated equitably, are jealous of how external clients are treated. Micromanagement throughout the organization Potential barrier: Too many approval processes will hinder planning implementation. Company empowers employees to do their jobs Opportunity: Employees will buy into doing their part, if clearly defined. Developing Tactics Tactics carry out the mission of the organization, while goals, objectives, and strategies define the mission. Simply put, tactics define the specifics of implementation of the strategies. Goal: Enhance the financial status of the organization. Objective: Reduce operating debt to $4.5M by 12/31/06; $3.5M by 12/31/07; and $2.5M by 12/31/08. Strategies: Implement lean management principles to identify “waste” in current spending. Implement a job analysis study to identify duplication of efforts and succession planning to reduce costs in human resources. Tactics: Provide training for supervisors and managers on LEAN office practices. The non-LEAN office causes delays, red tape, miscommunication, superfluous paperwork, and often customer dissatisfaction. Provide training to direct report managers on developing performance-based review processes. The balanced scorecard is a management system (not only a measurement system) that enables organizations to clarify their vision and strategy and translate them into action. Metrics can be put into place to guide managers in focusing training funds where they can help the most. (See this article titled \\\"How to Use the Balanced Scorecard\\\" for more information on this system.) Tactics move the process to action steps. Each level down moves from general to specific. Tactics identify the tasks necessary to achieve implementation.
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In business organizations there are barriers and opportunities that affect the achievement of corporate goals and objectives. The corporate culture of a booking and management company may derail the execution of the company`s strategic plans hence strategies should be laid down to enable the company reach its goals and objectives. This is possible through the use of various tactics to implement these strategies.
The goal of a booking and management company is to enhance the financial status of the organization through provision of efficient and quality services to its clients. This means that the business activities should be geared towards customer satisfaction because it is the clients who provide revenue to the company.
The objectives of a booking and management company is to offer quality and efficiency of service and for its bookings to grow monthly by a specified percentage such as a 20% monthly growth in bookings.
The current culture of the company includes employees` preference of traditional methods such as booking through use of telephone calls. The employees have a negative attitude towards the use of modern technology like online booking through the internet. This is a result of inadequacy in knowledge and skills in achieving quality service through use of technology.
Security concerns in a booking and management company may arise where some clients may not be willing to give personal financial information. Barriers of providing services to suit the needs of the various categories of customers are common in booking and management agencies due to varying needs of clients. Reliability of the travel or hotel company to meet the booking requirements of clients is another barrier that can impact negatively on a booking and management company. Other barriers in a booking company include insufficient skilled labor to handle online booking systems, (Jonas, 2011).
The opportunities available for a booking and management company include the use of technology to facilitate booking. Online booking is more efficient compared to the traditional booking that relied on the client making telephone calls to the booking company. Growth of the travel and hotel industry is a big opportunity to booking agencies. Travel is necessary due to business needs and more people are travelling across the world. The tourism industry in the world is also growing rapidly hence more potential clients who need booking arrangements in travel and accommodation.
A competitive strategy is the best approach in achieving goals and objectives of a booking and management company. The company should come up with strategic plans that will enable it to compete favorably in the business. In addition, the management in a booking and management company must identify all activities and services that the company provides and assign r...
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