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Copyright Law in Two different Countries

Essay Instructions:
locate an article that compares and contrasts the copyright laws of the United States and another country. In 1-2 pages, explain the similarities and differences between the intellectual property laws and then conclude with at least a one paragraph analysis of which set of copyright laws you believes is better? Which laws provide more protection? Explain.
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COPYRIGHT LAW IN TWO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, USA AND CANADA Name: Grade Course: Tutor’s Name: (31, January, 2011) Copyright Law in Two different Countries, USA and CANADA In most cases the copyright laws are based on the principles that ensures the balancing of the rights of protecting the inventors and aim at providing the reasonable access to users of copyright materials. Therefore each country determines the balance that must be achieved in its own copyright legislation. The Canadian copyright law is generally more protective to the original inventors while the U.S. law provides for more free uses for the users of copyright materials. Therefore the applicable law is based on the place where the copyright work is in use. ( Lyman Ray, 1968). Similarities The Canadian law and the United States law have almost similar systems for registration and the protection of the trade-marks, and therefore the franchisors should be aware of the procedures to be used in both countries. In both countries, the citizens enjoy the protection by the statute or the common law for the works of authors and artists, where they are given the exclusive right to carry out all the publications for their works and also to determine who may do the publishing.  The Copyright legislations in both countries enables provision of copyright subsists during the whole of authors life or plus 50 years except if otherwise provided.  However, there is no copyright provided in ideas or the information; it only provides for the protection of the ideas.   The Copyright as applied to the intellectual property ownership, exists in several forms which include; the literary, the dramatic, musical and the artistic words and other works that are provided in accordance to the legislations of the two countries. In both there are many high-level similarities that pertain to the Applicat...
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