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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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$ 3.6

The Contributors to Perceived Risk in Pregnancy and its Utility

Essay Instructions:

Brief Writing Extra Credit Opportunity
This extra credit opportunity involves writing about your experience as a research participant in a study conducted in the Psychology Department. Please indicate:
(a) the title of the experiment and which faculty member or graduate student was conducting it
(b) what you did as a research participant
(c) what the study was about in your own words (researchers will debrief participants about this at the conclusion of the experiment)
(d) your thoughts about the significance of the research, how this applies to something we learned in class, or what you personally learned by participating.
If you were only able to complete an Alternate Study, please describe this experience and what you learned from it.
Your essay should be 1 double-spaced page in length, using 12-point font.
Please type and print a hard copy, ensuring your name and ID are on it.
Hand it in by Dec 3 (by seeing us at the beginning/end of lecture).
Late papers will not be accepted. Electronic copies will not be accepted.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Research Participants Experience
Student Name
Institution Affiliation
Examining and investigating the contributors to perceived risk in pregnancy and its utility in predicting lower birth weight and early delivery
Research is an essential component in the field of psychology. I recently participated in a research initiative that was aimed at examining and investigating the contributors to perceived risk in pregnancy and its utility in predicting lower birth weight and early delivery. The experiment was a consultative effort by all the students in the faculty of psychology at the university under the tutelage of the chief professor.
My Roles as a Research Participant
The research program involved 165 pregnant women from the neighborhood who were undertaken through a series of obstetric assessments of perceived risk, stress, optimism, and health behaviors. As a research participant, I was tasked with ensuring the effective coordination of the test subjects and that the medical instruments used in the study were working correctly. I was also involved in the safe-keeping of the medical charts.
Overview of the Research Program
The research program was necessitated by the fact that despite significant medical advances that have improved birth outcomes, the US compared to other industrialized nations has quite high rates of preterm delivery and low birth weight (Cannella, Auerbach & Lobel, 2013). The problem has been attributed to the misdiagnosis of obstetric risk factors by clinicians. According to V. Marshall (20...
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