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Contribution of Individualism to Popular Culture

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History Discussion
History Discussion
The study of popular culture is one that is quite interesting and revealing at the same time because one is almost forced to confront their identity. First of all, the understanding of popular culture from this course forces one to think and explore further. As per the course, popular culture revolves around shared beliefs, values, attitudes, etc. However, in the context of a country like the United States, what constitutes popular culture? The country is made up of different people and cultures and therefore, it can be quite confusing when asked to point out one particular activity that fully encompasses what being American means. While the understanding of popular culture from this course might seem wanting, it does help to shed some light and point one to the right direction. Delaney, however, does offer a clear and more fulfilling definition and one that helps to clear the fuss over the correct explanation of what popular culture is. He defines it as “the products and forms of expression and identity that are frequently encountered or widely accepted, commonly liked or approved, and characteristic of a particular society at a given time” (2007). The above definition is not only eye-opening but also offers one a clear understanding of what popular culture is as well as what some of its examples might be.
Speaking of examples, what qualifies as a popular culture? The obvious mentions are sports, music, entertainment, leisure activities, television, etc. But does everyone enjoy these activities and what basis or criteria is used to classify the above as popular cultures, one may ask. Well, first of all, one must acknowledge that not everyone warms up to sports or the same type of music. However, it is also true that people of all races, social class, and ethnic background enjoy sports and enjoy watching television. For example, during the NBA playoffs and finals as well as during the Superbowl, polls usually show that millions of Americans and others around the world watch the games. One cannot deny that sports is pervasive and that is a part of a lot of people’s lives in America and in the world. Aside from the above, people often go to the extent of identifying themselves with the teams and athletes. This show of allegiance is quite common and demonstrates how people become members of popular cultures.
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