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Announcing Contract Award and Responsibilities of the Contracting Officers

Essay Instructions:

Imagine that you are working on a project to purchase 5,000 electrical generators with an electrical capacity of three (3) kilowatts and will be used by the U.S. Army for battlefield communications systems.
Choose to respond to this scenario from a government or a contractor perspective. If you select government, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a government employee (or military personnel) receiving the proposal from the contractor. If you select contractor, then you will complete the assignment as if you are a contractor employee submitting a proposal to the government.
Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:
1.Evaluate the requirements for announcing federal contract awards. Determine how these requirements apply to this scenario..
2.Establish the responsibilities of the Contracting Officers Representative (COR) for this contract..
3.Evaluate the existing training and certification requirements for CORs in general. .
4.Create a set of specific requirements for the COR working on the contract for 5,000 electrical generators..
5.Assess the importance of safeguarding proprietary information. Propose two (2) ways that proprietary information can be safeguarded in this scenario..
Use at least six (6) quality academic resources in this assignment. References must be book based.
Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Announcing contract award and responsibilities of contracting officers
Working on a project provides a high degree of discipline so that any participation in the government services becomes efficient and accurate. Being awarded with government applications and institutions enables individuals to build their sense of responsibilities that ensures all creative practices that can become reliable and credible with the institution. Contracts play an important role in participating in a project offered by the government because stakeholders are holding something legal and ethical while operating as one of the personnel of the government project. This paper seeks to discuss regarding the announcing contract award issues and responsibilities applied for the contracting officers. It seeks to find out the relevance of contracts that are able to ensure the safety and appropriateness of the project to its cause.
The main focus of the paper is concentrated on a project for the purchase of at least 5,000 pieces of electrical generator units. Each generator has an electricity capacity of at least three kilowatts that are intended for US Army personnel for their battlefield operations in their communication systems. The contract will be initiated by the Federal government to allow both public and public enterprises to take their opportunities to provide new facilities for the security personnel who are always willing to protect the country from negative elements of the law. The successful bidder will take the responsibility to prove their products to be worthy of being used as a protective tool against the elements that are trying to endanger the safety of the society on a long-term basis. Contracting officers are usually the ones who are responsible for initiating the bidding contracts to ensure that they are representing their company to build a trusting relationship with the government.
With regards to the evaluation of the requirements for announcing federal contract awards, there should be an existing project that is now open for bidding by the government. Projects are important because it will determine the availability for businesses to have an opportunity to ensure that there are future contracts that will be established with the government. All projects are required to undergo into a public bidding because it promotes transparency with all involved agencies to have the chance to present their proposed plan for the particular project. The government is always using transparency to encourage small, medium, and large scale businesses for a specific project. The members of the bidding panel will be determining the appropriate party who will be chosen as the new operator of the project. The screening process takes time because it requires stakeholders to present their project, budget, and their business background (Halchin, 2013).
Aside from the requirements, there are qualifications that the government should apply for all contracting officers before they will establish a contract with the Federal government. Contracting officers are required to present their business permits of their companies who want to grab the chance to be part of the government’s bidding process in order to be awarded with a new project that supplies security equipment for the US army security personnel. Background checking by checking the company’s financial information as well as historical operations enables the government agency to either qualify the contractors or decline their participation.This is to ensure that the companies involved with the bidding are operating in a legal way that prevents any issues of discrepancies with the bidding process before awarding to deserving contractors (Cardenas, et al., 2017).
Responsibilities of Contracting Officers Representative (COR)
Contracting Officer’s Representatives (COR) is playing an important role to ensure that contractors always meet the required commitment indicated from their contract. The first is to establish certification requirements, which aims to establish a three-tiered and risk-based program applied for the civilian agencies to reflect the essentials of creating a contract that are ethically free from any environmental hazards. COR is required to undergo initial training and seminar workshops that will increase their knowledge and skills that are made through classroom settings. COR is responsible for verifying information based on FAI verification program to determine verified vendors that are allowed to participate with the approval of contracts. These are the vendors, universities and colleges who were officially listed that are qualified for the bidding process.
Continuous learning is a responsibility for the COR because it seeks to increase the level of knowledge and skill to become more productive as well as to improve their knowledge as a contracting officer. This is usually required for any participating personnel who wants to increase the level of their knowledge as a way to improve their services and productivity within the institution to have a better way of applying their professional practice to their affiliated organization. There are essential competencies for COR to establish an efficient foundation to apply learned knowledge and skills from the experiences brought about by enhancing the competency program to improve valued services for the contractualization. This is to establish a consistent competitive skill for the COR personnel so that their performance level remains to be outstanding as it is integrated with numerous training sessions to improve their skills efficiently.
Training and Certification Requirements for COR
There are at least three levels of requirements for the training of COR. The first is FAC-COR Level I, which has no experience, with at least eight hours of training, and the appropriation for a low-risk contract that includes orders and supply contracts. This is regarded as the lightest level where the COR is considered to be a neophyte in the industry. If the COR intends to extend their service in the industry, they are required to undergo for an elevated contract, they are required to present a previous experience that is under FAC-COR Level II. This involves a one year previous COR experience required for all individuals who were promoted. They have also at least 40 hours of training under this level. COR will also be required to have a general appropriate contract for certain types of vehicles that are classified under moderate or high complexity functions. This includes vehicles that were under the service as well as the supply contracts.
If the industry is yielding the most supreme position or high-level of performance, the industry requires the third and highest level, which is the FAC-COR Level III. This reveals that there is at least two years of previous COR experience being required by the institution. Under this level, the person should have at least 60 hours of training during the course of the session. The institution is aware that individuals ...
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