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Concepts of Ethnocentrism and Effective Communication

Essay Instructions:

Paper should answer these questions: 1. Ethnocentrism exists on a continuum. Define ethnocentrism and explain what this statement means. 2. Fully describe the concept of communication competence, and describe a time when you lacked it. 3. What does it mean to be an ethical communicator? identify an exchange you had in which you felt the communicator was unethical. 4. Define phatic communication and describe a time in the last year when you used it. 5. Do we ever stop communicating? Explain your answer.

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Ethnocentrism refers to the tendency of humans to categorize different ethnicities. Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's ethnic group is superior to other groups. People tend to view themselves as members of an ethnic group with its own culture and history, which can best be summed up as better. The statement about ethnocentrism existing on a continuum means that some degree of ethnocentrism exists in every person. This degree is from being open to other cultures or not knowing much about them to feel superior with an assumed greater understanding of the cultural differences between themselves and others. The degree to which a person is ethnocentric varies from culture to culture. The highest degree of ethnocentrism can be seen in those who do not think about their culture. Such people base their actions on their own experiences or the experiences of people close to them. Typical ethnocentrism can fall into various categories, and these categories are based upon a person being more open or less open to other cultures than they were before. Humans have always been highly culturally oriented creatures. Since the beginning of human history, the world has witnessed people at one end of an ethnic spectrum or another (Karoui & Khemakhem, 2019). However, although all humans have always had their preferences, tastes, and ways, they have never been truly racially or ethnically homogeneous. Everyone has always had friends from other countries, cities, and regions that they visit in their free time. As a result of this ever-changing society and culture, it is only logical to conclude that people are more open to cultural differences than ever before.
Communication competence is the idea that individuals can make themselves understood and appreciated, in part or in full, within the context of a given situation. Communication competence is achieved through reciprocal participation in verbal and nonverbal interaction. It is achieved when there is adherence to classic communication principles such as openness and empathy, and consideration for others. Communication competence can also be viewed as a form of expertise. Experts are people who demonstrate high levels of knowledge about how to do something successfully regardless of the context or situation in which they are participating. An example of a time I lacked communication competence is during a short period of unemployment. I believe that this lack of communication competence contributed to my supervisor's decision regarding my suspension and ultimately was not resolved until m...
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