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Comparison and Critique of Three Research Studies

Essay Instructions:

• Comparison and Critique of Three Research Studies Choose a topic of interest related to early childhood development and education. In your opening paragraph, indicate why this topic is relevant to you as an educator. -topic: the use of electronics in the classroom (Toddler classroom, preschool classroom and/or Kindergarten classroom). It is important to me as an educator because (here you can discuss how as a society we are becoming more and more dependant on technology etc) Choose three studies (These studies should be research articles that are scholarly, peer reviewed articles in which the author of the article is the one that actually did the study). The methods and viewpoints should diverge among the three studies. Use your understanding of the values and premises behind different approaches to research to consider the underlying assumptions of each study (these will be sent to you in power point format). • The Research Question - Identify the issues / questions being researched. What are the underlying assumptions (with regards to the research question)? In what ways does this research challenge or support general or your own long-held beliefs and practice? In which ways might this research influence practice in the future? (think about this in the perspective that you are an Early Childhood Educator) • Methodology – Provide a brief description of each study. Discuss the methods. What underlying assumptions have the researchers used? Are issues of diversity considered and addressed? • Critique - Identify any strengths and inadequacies in the research. Are there issues that should have been taken into consideration that were overlooked? How generalizable are the findings? Have our cultural values been identified, or questioned? How might you modify or extend this research in order to learn more? • Style – your paper must be clear, concise, with correct spelling and grammar. For your section on each study, there should be a clear introduction, middle and conclusion. Subheadings should be used. All ideas that have come from other sources must be properly referenced using APA format. You are encouraged to use sources in addition to class notes and readings. **write up format: -A brief introduction -then the critique/comparison (the research question, methodology, critique and style should be written up for all 3 articles. The write ups for each of the articles should be roughly 1000 words) and -finally a conclusion** -I will be emailing you some articles that you can use IF the study in them is by the author themselves, I will also email you acouple word documents of other people's rough drafts. Otherwise you need to get the articles (peer reviewed, scholoarly) Rationale Comparison and Critique of Three Research Studies - Finding and selecting relevant research, and developing the ability to think critically about the question, the methods, and the conclusions will help you to make good use of the wealth of research that is available to inform our decisions as educators. This assessment allows you to demonstrate the degree to which you have met the following learning objectives for this subject: o evaluate the appropriateness of different research approaches to investigating and addressing problems in early childhood education; o understand the different paradigms within which research in early childhood education is situated and explain the implications for the research process; o describe and comment upon current research in early childhood education; o analyze and critique reports of research into early childhood education / practice; o identify some research methods useful for educators\' research on their own professional practice; o understand how research is influenced by political, economic, and social forces in society. Please let me know if there is anything that is not clear http://www(dot)emeraldinsight(dot)com(dot)ezproxy(dot)csu(dot)edu(dot)au/journals.htm?articleid=1580627&show=html

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Literature and Language
Electronics use within the classroom
Electronics use within the classroom
The topic regarding electronics use within the kindergarten, preschool and toddler classroom has been very useful to me especially as an educator. This is due to the fact that society has been found to progressively turn out to be technology dependant. It is apparent that technology advancement is necessary for society and therefore individuals require awareness and knowledge regarding technology use so as to be successful in various undertakings which require technology use. Technology in this case may be looked upon as knowledge or science application to industry and commerce. Most nations have been found to effectively facilitate development activities through effective technology use. This has an implication that nations have to ensure that their citizens are aware of the various technology uses which are ever changing. Due to this, the topic is beneficial to me within kindergarten, preschool and toddler classroom due to the fact that it would make it possible for children to have suitable foundation for matters regarding technology. This would enable them to gain suitable knowledge which would enable them to grow and join the various development activities. They would therefore have knowledge ability to successfully handle various issues which require technology use and therefore they would be successful in their operations.
Researchers have been able to undertake various research activities which enable them to establish the importance attributed to electronics use within the kindergarten, preschool and toddler classrooms. The following are three research activities which attempt to effectively explain benefits which may be associated with inclusion of electronics use within the kindergarten, preschool and toddler classrooms.
The study by Mckenna, Zucker and Moody
Mckenna, Zucker and Moody involved themselves in a study in which they wanted to find out electronic books effects on children’s language and literacy outcomes. Electronic books may be looked upon as integrating technology’s prevalent method found in elementary and preschool classrooms (Zucker et al., 2009). Conversely, there is no sufficient consensus regarding electronic books effectiveness in literacy skills increase within decoding and comprehension domains. The above individuals therefore involved themselves in research to establish the reality regarding electronic books effectiveness on children’s language and literacy outcomes.
Issues which the research attempts to handle
It is apparent that the research attempts to clarify whether electronics utilization within kindergarten, preschool and toddler classroom are useful. This is due to the fact that technology has over time been looked upon as necessary and hence the need for researchers to establish the necessity to begin the technology awareness to children at their tender age and whether the practice is effective (Zucker et al., 2009). Teaching catalogues have been found to be far-reaching educational assortment software which is usually used within pre-kindergarten to elementary school students. Literacy researchers with forces of marketing have indicated that comprehension can effectively be supported due to their usefulness. Despite the popularity which has been growing over time regarding electronic books, it is apparent that the involved literature has no vigilant review regarding evidence base for the purpose of explaining the support extend of electronic books towards literacy development of children. The research therefore was aimed at establishing whether technology awareness is usually beneficial to individuals.
Mckenna, Zucker and Moody made use of sampling methods in which case various institutions were allowed to make use of technology and electronic books and others were taught through the use of traditional methods (Zucker et al., 2009). After analysis of the various findings it was found out that students who were allowed to make use of electronic books had better comprehension capacities compared to those who did not use it. This proved that technology inclusion was necessary in kindergarten, preschool and toddler classroom for the purpose of setting necessary base for the students regarding technology utilization.
Research effects on long-held practice and beliefs
The research which was undertaken by Mckenna, Zucker and Moody has been found to have effects on long-held practice and beliefs as follows. For instance, electronic books were found to be useful and therefore this would bring about influence on current undertakings. Electronic books have been found to be specifically interesting due to the fact that electronic books which are commercially available have been found to have the capacity to simulate listening or reading experience towards a book and also offer further decoding support, interactive elements, comprehension supports, and also entertaining features (Zucker et al., 2009). This therefore has extensive influence regarding long-held practice and beliefs. Individuals who believed that technology utilization within the kindergarten, preschool and toddler classroom is not useful may now see the importance attached to them and therefore this has the capacity to change their beliefs. It also has the capacity to enable other individuals realize the importance of undertaking electronic books study within schools for technology familiarity.
Secondly, due to the fact that electronic books have been found to prop up literacy development of children, this would lead to medication of held perceptions of individuals as well as beliefs regarding electronic books use as well as technology applications among children. It is apparent that electronic books have been proved to be very useful due to the fact that they allow children to obtain reading proficiency effectively (Zucker et al., 2009). For this to be effectively realized, individuals have to develop major skills strands, which involve capacity to effectively decode words which are printed and understanding ability as well as meaning of construct from text language. This enables individuals to change their initial perceptions and it also influences the desire for individuals to promote the electronic books use.
Research influence on future practices
The findings following the research which was undertaken by Mckenna, Zucker and Moody have been found to have various possible influences on future practices. For instance, due to the fact that it has clearly indicated the advantages which are associated with electronic books, it would have substantial impact on future decisions regarding electronic books’ importance (Zucker et al., 2009). It is apparent that most individuals would be willing to support inclusion of technology use and electronic books among kindergarten, preschool and toddler classroom.
Strengths discovered and experienced weaknesses
The study has been found to have various strengths which may be explained as follows. For instance, it has been able to bring out substantial differences regarding experienced variations among traditional techniques and electronic books use. This makes it possible for involved individuals to prop up electronic books utilization which prepares students for various aspects involving technology utilization.
The weakness which is experienced regarding the study is that the involved sample which was used to make the conclusions did not cover an extensive area and therefore although it brings about positive outcomes regarding electronic books utilization, it may not have been representative of the population which was targeted.
Study by Moody regarding electronic books use within classroom for the purpose of developing literacy skills enhancement among young children
Due to the fact that individuals have overtime been unable to discern the importance which may be attached to electronic books utilization over traditional techniques of teaching, Moody decided to undertake a research which would enable him establish the associated benefits (Moody, 2010). Electronic books have been found to be widely utilized within classrooms regarding early childhood for the purpose of story books engagement encouragement as development of emergent literacy is promoted. Moody wanted to access impacts of electronic storybooks towards young children support and establish whether is was worth to include it with the aim of technology awareness creation (Moody, 2010). Individuals over time have tended to assume that no substantial variations are experienced among students who are taught through the use of techniques which are traditional based and those who are allowed to make use of technology like electronic books. There was therefore need for individuals to establish proper methods of substantiating whether there was any considerable variation. This prompted Moody to undertake a research which would enable him to realize any involved variations.
Issues which the research attempts to handle
The research which was undertaken by Moody aimed at establishing electronic books importance and whether they have any advantages above traditional means regarding education (Moody, 2010). The research was aimed at establishing whether students who were introduced to electronic books would be more understanding when it comes to technology uses than those students who were taught through the use of techniques which were traditional in nature.
The methods which were used within the research may be explained as follows. For instance, sampling was done in which case samples which were looked upon as convenient were obtained regarding various schools (Moody, 2010). Electronic-storybooks introduction was done within various schools where as in others traditional methods were utilized. After comparisons obtained after outcomes were realized regarding whether electronic-storybooks were effective compared to utilization of techniques which were looked upon as traditional in nature. The outcomes indicated that children who had the capacity to effectively utilize electronic-storybooks were able to realize desirable outcomes where as those who made use of techniques which were looked upon as traditional experienced difficulties in attempting to realize similar outcomes as the others. This indicates that technology is very important and that its use will have the capacity to effectively prop up performance by ...
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