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Compare and Contrast John Smith, William Bradford, and John Winthrop as Historians and as Literary Writers

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Compare and contrast John Smith, William Bradford, and John Winthrop as historians and as literary writers. Include direct quotes from the primary sources for analysis and support.
John Smith was a popular British voyager who reigned over the New England colony at Jamestown, Virginia. During his reign, he chronicled the events and challenges that he encountered. He depicts a negative view of the Native Americans, referring to them as barbarian and savages, and is too proud to acknowledge his perception as flawed. On the other hand, William Bradford was the first governor of the Plymouth colony. He was popular due to his cordial relationship with the natives. Like Smith, he kept a journal diary of his achievements. Unlike Smith, his accounts are accurate. John Winthrop was a puritan and the first Governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony. His motive was to create a prosperous Puritan society. The essay sets out to compare and contrast Smith, Bradford, and Winthrop as historians and literary writers. Though the three voyagers founded the New England Colony, similarities and differences abound in their historical and literary perspectives.
As a historian and literary writer, Bradford is influenced by puritan literary perspectives as depicted in his interpretation of their voyage. His literary motivation is largely puritan as depicted in chapter IX, of "Of Plymouth Plantation". He narrates the story of one John Howland stating that fierce and stormy seas compelled them to "hull for divers days together". John Howland was hauled into the stormy sea. In his puritan perspective, he explains that "though he was sundry fathoms underwater", he hunged on until the time he was hauled up " (Cornelison &Yanak, 2004). Puritan theology dominates his literary works. In "Of Plymouth Plantation", he uses countless bible quotes crediting God for their successful voyage. In a Chapter titled, "On Their Voyage...", he describes their ship condition as "shroudly shaken, and her upper works made very leaky…." (Cornelison &Yanak, 2004). His puritan disposition is depicted when he said, "So they committed themselves to the will of God…." . On landing, he exclaims that "they fell upon their knees, and blessed the God of Heaven…"(Greene, 1988). Throughout the book, he praises God and quotes numerous scripture. The writing of "Of Plymouth Plantation" was motivated by puritan beliefs. As a historian, he documents positive accounts depicting the pilgrims as great and their labors as impressive. His puritan beliefs underlie his historical accounts as he repeatedly immortalized the tribulations of the puritans at Plymouth.
John Winthrop was the founding Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Just like Bradford, his literary and historical accounts were mostly influenced by puritanism. This is depicted in his famous sermon, "A model of Christian charity" in which he describes God's purposes for the American colony (Cornelison &Yanak, 2004). However, unlike Bradford, he describes a harmonious puritan government governed by divine laws. As a historian, he describes the puritan government as a future model government. As a literary writer, he was similarly influenced by puritanism. He wrote that "We shall find that the God of Israel shall be among us when ten of us shall be able to resist a thousand of our enemies…"(Greene, 1988). In his writings, he extensively describes the divine help that his camp received, making god’s purposes manifest.
In his literary works, John Smith describes Native Americans as sage and barbarian. His negative depiction of natives was occasioned by problems and challenges encountered by natives. Also, he describes them as unkind and hostile (Romriell, 2005). Unlike the other duo, he did not admit that his initial perception was flawed. However, as a historian, he depicted the Native Americans as barbaric, savage, and inhospitable. He mirrors the same perspective in his literary work. His statements are evidence of his negative...
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