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Cognitive and Learning

Essay Instructions:
explain how does cognition influence development memory and thinking in a person.
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Cognitive and Learning
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(February 21, 2012)
Cognitive and Learning
Cognitive influence is in most cases driven by perception, recognition, imagination, remembrance and the way people judge one another. The influence can either emerge from human thoughts, language or behaviors. In most cases our thinking memory development is usually guided what we perceive or imagine (Miller, 2011). It is also true that our judging, reasoning and conceptualizing ability enables us to remember some of the details we encounter in life. The magnitude and the importance of the things we perceive determines out thinking capacity, since in an issue which directly affect us, more permanent solution is usually sort by thinking wisely. But for the lighter issues and ideas in our lives, lesser thinking commitment is required for them. The magnitude of the cognitive influence can also be said to affect our memory development a lot, since the issues that we hold so dear in our lives tend to have a long-term memory (Neisser, 1967). On the other hand, those ideas and things which are not that important to our lives tend to develop a short-term memory.
Sensory register in our minds is usually necessitated by what we receive externally or internally from our stimuli. In actual sense most of our behaviors are largely dependent on the operations of our minds. We act and behave our mind and therefore effective cognitive influence needs to be established either through stimuli or response. And just like the...
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